Women can demand unconditional love and respect from men but men can’t expect vice versa?

Just FYI you should never unconditionally love and respect someone who is a legitimate abuser and/or cheater. Nor should you unconditionally love someone who has no respect for you.

I say “legitimate” abuser because some people have made broadened out what is and what isn’t abuse. One example would be Jonah Hill’s ex girlfriend her so called “emotional” abuse allegations over Jonah’s texts. That wasn’t “abuse”. It just wasn’t what she wanted hear. All she had to do was say “well that isn’t going to work for me” and walked away. She wasn’t a victim or a slave.

But anyway most people should know what is and isn’t legitimate abuse. But do women expect more out of men then vice versa out when it comes to this?

For example women seem to demand more respect from men when a man breaks up. But when a woman breaks up with a man he’s usually expendable so anything goes on how she treats him during the process regardless if he did or did nothing wrong. Respect is optional.

Same goes when a polite man approaches her and she’s not interested. Society tells her it’s okay to be rude. But men don’t get that leeway when the roles are reversed.

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Women can demand unconditional love and respect from men but men can’t expect vice versa?
Post Opinion