Do guys sometimes say outlandish things to mask their true feelings when they're scared to be vulnerable?


2 years ago, I got involved with a guy who had a lot of relationship trauma. He was consistent, called and texted everyday, and put in effort, I guess, but he never took anything seriously. I never knew where we stood because he was always, and I mean ALWAYS, joking.

• He "accidentally" told me he loved me 6 times, and he always made it clear he didn't mean to do it.

• He gave the weirdest compliments. He didn't call me pretty or beautiful often, but he told me he wanted to wear me like a suit. Neat.

• He joked about wanting me forever, and said he wanted me to move in and never leave. He also told me my soul was his. ?

• He mouthed, "olive juice" at me all the time just to catch the look on my face 🙃 and there were a few really romantic songs he played every time I saw him.

I couldn't take his lack of commitment or genuine communication, and it ended messily. I guess he cared more than he let on, because he took it extremely badly.

Is it normal for guys to use jokes to mask their true feelings? Did I mess up?

Do guys sometimes say outlandish things to mask their true feelings when they're scared to be vulnerable?
4 Opinion