What makes someone attract competitive partners?

As I was reflecting on my past relationships, I realised that two of the major relationships in my life were with men who were very competitive. I'm very modest in the sense that I have a small studio, I don't own anything, I don't even have a car and clearly I had to struggle to even reach where I am in life right now.
The work positions I hold are always modest. I would say so far the best thing about me is my spirit and I don't give up easily.

Yet I intimidate people. That's what I've heard my whole life.

So, what would make a grown man feel like he has to be in competition with a 5'3ft woman who clearly has nothing special going for her and struggles in life as much even more than them?
My latest relationship, the guy had a huge car, his family owns a house, his dad is financially well off, I mean... Even he had a well paying job, money on his account to the point where he could pay himself a trip in foreign countries every month if he wanted... He wasn't living far from his friends and family compared to me (I live overseas) and he recently decided to go back to his Mum since he was having issues with his previous landlords (not financial but they didn't get along at all). He could buy land and build if he wanted, I mean, the guy has *no* issues in life and was always flashing his car or salary and said that it's the mentality of the country where we live in (France).

Every so often, he went out of his way to prove that he was better than me. In video games, proving that he's more of a hard worker, proving that he can find someone new faster than me during our breakup, proving that he has more cash but I always acted unimpressed (maybe that's what bruised his ego...)

He could've won minimum wage or a small Twingo and I still wouldn't care. I come from a poor background so, my parents more focused on building our spirit than gaining money. So what makes someone like that?
What makes someone attract competitive partners?
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