My female friend kissed me all night and then told me a few days later it was a mistake?

I had this huge crush on my friend
And she friend zoned me by saying she doesn’t want to be in a relation and that she haven’t been in a serious one for 8 years and she slept with many guys and that she is gross

For 5 months it was just push and pull
I was chasing her a lot
Every month she was changing more and more until she reached today’s point that she now wants a family and children

We kissed 3 days ago
She kept saying I should not have expectation
We kissed for 2 hours and then went to her place kissing all the way back , holding hands
I didn’t try to sleep with her , because I have more genuine intentions

Today we went to a club , I was a little touchy with her
And she told me that I should stop and that we did was a mistake beca she doesn’t want to give me hope
She thinks she bad influence on me
She thinks I am too innocent for her
And that she really likes me for all of the genuine qualities I have , but She doesn’t think we are a good match
I guessed that because so many people left her , she is afraid I am leaving too
So would rather keep me as a friend than lose me as a lover
She is always keep telling me I should move on and see other girls
But always keeps pulling me back

I think I could have slept with her 3 days ago
And somehow I am being punished for showing her respect

I don’t know how to handle this but I am done chasing her
My female friend kissed me all night and then told me a few days later it was a mistake?
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