Why will a person keep talking about their ex?

I am currently in a 1 year relationship. Before this- I was in a relationship for 9 years. The 9 year relationship was my first and only relationship. I was very isolated so he was literally my only interaction with a man alone outside of family. I was very introverted.
And now I’m in my current situation.

For the record- I do not miss my ex. I will always love and care for him- but I have no intentions on ever going back to that. I do appreciate my growth from that experience and who I am today.

Anyways, I realized lately whenever someone is telling me a story or asking me for advice, I will bring up my past relationship. My friend was just telling me a story today about her boyfriend and my response was (my ex) used to do that. In that moment- I asked myself “ why do I keep bringing him up?” I’m so embarrassed within myself because I don’t understand.
I would even say “maybe there is some unresolved issues”. But I don’t feel like it is…. I’m not hurt by the past, im not angry… I can literally see him and truly see him as a friend. So why do I keep bringing him up? Why would anyone constantly use their past relationship or ex as examples? I’m in a new relationship and still bring up my ex. It was my only relationship aside from the relationship I’m in now… I do tell myself that it’s because it’s the only examples I have do to it was the only experience?
Maybe hearing some of GAG other perspectives will help me see something that I’m overlooking within myself.
Why will a person keep talking about their ex?
3 Opinion