I think my boyfriend might have a drinking problem, but it’s hard to tell for sure. How do I handle this?

I have been friends with him for years before we started dating (we have been dating for 4 months now). I know that when we were in high school he used to be an alcoholic. Alcoholism also runs in his family. During this time, he was depressed and suffering from mental health issues which turned him to drink and I tried to help him through it. I saw a big change in him, he was much happier and to my knowledge he stopped drinking so much. He still smokes weed, but that never really bothered me until now. He said that ever since we started hanging out more, he had stopped drinking and gotten better. But now I think he’s drinking again. When I am on the phone with him, he has been making stops at the liquor store frequently. When I asked him about it, he said he’s getting stuff for his dad. I have noticed when I kiss him, he smells like beer. When we go out to lunch, he drinks two extremely tall beers ( even if he was the one driving us). When we go to dinner he will have one or two. I have told him it makes me uncomfortable to drive with him when he’s drinking. I’m not sure if he’s going back to his old ways but I am kind of panicking. I do not want to spend my life with someone who has a drinking problem. He even made a joke about having a beer because he was having a hard day at work. I don’t drink as often and I don’t smoke weed, so this is kind of foreign to me. I don’t see it as a problem unless the person is doing it too frequently. I just don’t want to be in this situation if this is the case. Every time I bring it up to him he says he barely drinks anymore. And I don’t want to jump to conclusions because it’s so hard to tell if he’s been drinking or if he’s just high. I am never really too sure if he’s telling the truth. Sometimes I think I should break up with him but again, I am not totally sure what’s going on here. Does anyone have suggestions on how to handle this?
I think my boyfriend might have a drinking problem, but it’s hard to tell for sure. How do I handle this?
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