- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
The only thing that has changed for me is my expectations and priorities. I still find most of the same girls attractive that I used to.
For instance, I used to accept basically any type of personality, and that if I wasn't happy with what I got, it was my fault for not being strong enough. It's like I was freaking apologizing for being a dude.
Now, I know better. I know that I'm probably being judged for the moral standards of the past, or paranoia about what I could POSSIBLY become. That's just what's taught these days. I'm not going to take that bull from a relationship.
I'm not paying for her meals if she expects me to. Not telling her she's beautiful because she craves the attention. Not backing down if she starts putting her argument before the relationship. She's not "entitled" to any more than she's willing to give. And all that I give will come from my heart, not some stupid gender expectation.
I've already had girls tell me I'm selfish or sexist for it, but I don't need them. There are entire nations where this is the norm, and we're one of the most conservative developed nations on gender norms. Some people in those nations laugh at the dating expectations of men here, and of women as well. to them, the whole notion of taking a girl out for dinner and paying for it screams desperation and entitlement. Knowing this, I hold women here to those same standards.
Other than that, my standards for body have eased up a bit, but my preferred body type is still right where it has always been. Just because I'm in the fattest city of the fattest nation, it doesn't mean I have to flex my standards. Not when I myself and thin, and when, again, there are plenty of nations in Europe, or cities in the US where staying thin/normal isn't a big deal.
I remind, however. This says nothing for my respect of women though. I don't know how weight or body shape could possibly correlate with intelligence, kindness, or competence. These are strictly my standards for attraction, not friendship.
But if this means I'm only attracted to 10% of women because I hold them to the standards of over 50% in other nations, so be it. No need to comment that I'll be single for a long time, or won't find anyone locally, or that I won't "get laid" any time soon. I can wait, and I can move. I choose this.13 Reply- Opinion Owner+1 y
Sorry for the rant.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Nope. Midwest.
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I wouldn't say that I've changed my preferences, more so that I'm just more comfortable with things that I thought were iffy before. When I was younger, I was kind of stuck between liking skinny girls and girls who are healthy looking. At this point however, I would have no problem being with a girl who wasn't bone skinny. The reason for the hesitation before is because I've always been a slim guy and short compared to what seems like every other dude who is taller (I'm 5'10"), so a girl who weighed more than me made me feel tiny. But now I don't care because I do love me some filled out girls. That doesn't mean thick (although I do find thick girls attractive as well), I just mean she doesn't have that mile wide gap between her thighs and doesn't wear child sized clothing.
Also, height is the thing I've changed as well. My SO now is the same height as me. Before, that might have put me off but now I don't care. Before her I even noticed I would have a few girls in classes catch my eye, and some were like 6 foot or more. So yeah, the height thing isn't an issue for me.
As for emotional/mental stuff, I'd say my tastes haven't changed all that much. Before, I might have been more willing to put up with stupid drama and typical insecurities, but now not so much since I know there are people out there who aren't like that. I also desire someone with some depth and that can actually hold an intelligent conversation when before I might have sacrificed that if I thought I wouldn't ever find that.00 Reply
- +1 y
Yeah, I'd say so. I'm gonna put it this way. When I was younger, I watched the movie "Pretty in Pink", with Molly Ringwald, Jon Cryer, and Andrew McCarthy.
First time I watched the movie, I fell in love with Andrew McCarthy's character, Blaine. He was attractive, and charming, and had that quiet and gentle, yet strong personality. As for Jon Cryer's character, Duckie... he was a little too weird for me,he was just... crazy, and Andrew McCarthy had all that dreamy-ness going on!
After re-watching the movie a few years later, I thought "holy, what was I thinking!?" Blaine is boring, and concieted, and serious. He's merely a pretty face. Now Duckie. Duckie was funny, and kind, and quirky, and innocent, and just completely sweet. All of that made him a really attractive character. Waaaayyyy more attractive than I ever found Blaine.
So there you go, haha, good enough?11 Reply- Asker+1 y
No idea who your on about... but ye kinda get what your saying
when I was younger I liked nice guys. once I hit 15 years old I started liking douchebags and now at 21 I still like them. I realize I like a guy with an edge. height when I was younger didn't matter but now it does. I also used to only like white guys but now I'm into all races including black, latino and asian
00 Reply
- +1 y
Don't think so. I don't know how to explain it really...There are times where I like a certain type for x amount of time and then it changes later and goes back and forth to different types. lol. I like all types of personality and ethnicity just depends on how I'm feeling and what I'm into at the time. lol.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
Has my preference in my opinion changed with age? Of Course it did.
I did get more strict with my preferences, For hooking up, I don't really care, just look attractive and have to be clean, then, she's green light in my book.
Dating- I have to be attracted to her face , its the most important element in attraction in my opinion, They have to be mature, respectful, smart, ( don't have to know calculus but they can't be dumb as a sack of bricks.) and Drama-free.
I can't deal with girls who still have that teenager mentality, Its stressful and I'm not getting any younger.10 Reply - +1 y
Physically speaking? No, I've been into muscly guys for as long as I can remember. As a teen, my room was adorned with posters of Nelly, Busta Rhymes and 50 Cent although I didn't even like most of their songs. The only thing that changed is that now the guys my age are actually my taste.
10 Reply In elementary, middle, and the beginning of high school I only liked skinny girls. But then after I got a little attention and was able to hug and hold a few girls, I realized I didn't like skinny girls, I HATE feeling bone while holding a girl. I'm pretty sure this is where I decided that I like girls with a little extra meat/fat on them, much more comfortable holding them :)
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
Body fat doesn't determine sexual skill.
It appears that you just have a small way of thinking so you attach skinny, model type girls with poor sexual skill because they didn't please you the same way the chubbier girl does. I think sometimes you can meet one person who is attractive in a certain way that if you're immature ,it makes you more attracted to people who have a similar physical characteristic.20 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
It's all about hormones. They change with age and with menstrual cycle for girls.
Not sure how it works for guys, but probably, because you got attached to your current girl, now this type seems sexy for you. You may find yourself falling for skinny girls again, if your next long-term sex partner will be like that.
My boyfriend used to think he liked curvy girls with big breasts before he met me ;)
I'm not skinny, but kind of classic greek statue proportions :)00 Reply My preferences in guys are all over the place aha I don't have an exact preference in what I like or prefer.
10 Reply- +1 y
Oh yea, most definetly. I used to be into the smoking hot party girls that guys see in bars and clubs. Now I can't stand those kinds of women and I LOVE the shy, quiet ones.
20 Reply I don't really have a type but generally I've always like the cute sweet petite type and I think that'll remain a sorta light preference
20 Reply- +1 y
yes, actually now I'm atracted to WAAAY older guys, like 30-40, I know it's not right, but I can't help it
00 Reply - +1 y
Immensely. The guys I fall for now are actually men, not boys. There is a difference, and it's not always based on age, but maturity.
00 Reply My taste has pretty much stayed as it was when I was 16. If anything I have narrowed down my type, and know what I like.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
When I was a teenager , I always wanted to date blond ,tan, muscular surfer boys , now I LOVE guys with dark hair and pale skin. I also don't really like muscular guys , so my tastes have completly changed
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Are you saying you replaced your ex with a girl with bigger boobs because she's better in bed? Gosh what a shallow mate.
10 Reply
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