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Polls: Relationships

I will give you some tips! (Please explain below in)
Oh god- a yandere
Results but I will explain anyways
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Are you struggling to meet people, make friends and find a meaningful romantic partner in today’s society?

Woman cries being 33 years old and single, society lied to men & women now there’s incels & femcels -
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Yes, we make mistakes
No, a cheater is always a cheater
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If you are married and you come to know?

If you are married and you come to know that your partner is secretly in a relationship with someone else.. with whom she/he is having regular chat on phone and meetings and even having sex. What would you do?
If you are married and you come to know that your partner is secretly in a relationship with someone else.. with whom she/he is having regular chat on phone and meetings and even Show More
Tell about it to the partner of the other person and breakup/ take divorce on grounds of cheating
Tell about it to the partner of the other person, forgive my own partner and love happily with him/her
Simply file for divorce from my partner on grounds of cheating
Talk about it with my partner and ask him/her the reason. Try to relocate and keep him/her happy with me
Other option
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Married for Life
Dating One Person for Life
Dating/Sleeping Around For Life
Me, Myself, and I For Life
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Are Men or Women more Loyal?

I'm leaning slightly to Men, only if they are in love. Women tend to be loyal to the extend on what a man can provide, if that ends she may look else where. Exp. Cat accident, illness etc..
I'm leaning slightly to Men, only if they are in love. Women tend to be loyal to the extend on what a man can provide, if that ends she may look else where. Exp. Cat accident, illness Show More
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Men have a more positive view on women
Women have a more positive view on men
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Are relationships over?

cheating, lying, being flaky or unresponsive, social media obsession, gold digging, no considerations for us, betrayal. And cheating. I can't take it anymore. Not being a top 10% male sucks.
cheating, lying, being flaky or unresponsive, social media obsession, gold digging, no considerations for us, betrayal. And cheating. I can't take it anymore. Not being a top 10% male Show More
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Was your first Crush your Forever Love or did you lose them?

And was your first Crush the opposite gender, as most are, or did you crush on someone of the same gender, as more and more are doing now days? Share your story with us if you would like to or just take the Poll......
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Should I wear a claddagh ring?

The way you wear a Claddagh ring can convey different messages depending on your relationship status: Single and looking for love: Wear the ring on your right hand with the heart pointing out In a relationship: Wear the...
The way you wear a Claddagh ring can convey different messages depending on your relationship status: Single and looking for love: Wear the ring on your right hand with the heart Show More
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Does your girlfriend hate gold diggers? Will your girlfriend protect you from gold diggers?

I need help. Maybe. The Girls in the real world have described me as "normal". If only they knew what the hell I'm doing.
I need help. Maybe. The Girls in the real world have described me as "normal". If only they knew what the hell I'm doing. Show More
No idea
My Girlfriend is a gold digger
Jokes on you! I am the gold digger
My one-handed proficiency is maxed out and prestiged
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Is my mom is jealous of my relationship?

My boyfriend and I are dating serious - we’ve been together for just over 2 years now and multiple times we’ve spoken about having a future together and have discussed living arrangements…. he’s a good guy overall and...
My boyfriend and I are dating serious - we’ve been together for just over 2 years now and multiple times we’ve spoken about having a future together and have discussed living Show More
She’s jealous because she’s single
Has concerns / other - pls explain in detail
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Ukranian or Asian?

mail order brides what u pick
mail order brides what u pick Show More
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True or False, Men need to protect and provide in a marriage?

Amongst other things, in a marriage men need to protect and provide, true or false?
Amongst other things, in a marriage men need to protect and provide, true or false? Show More
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They may be talking bad about the girl
the guy might be hiding the relationship from his friends (since some might call him pedo)
he might love her
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Both members are over 18 Show More
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The newest versions of AI are going to be able to talk to you and have conversations with you. Do you think you could fall in love?

Coming soon, this is the next generation of AI about to be released... It's going to be able to have conversations with you learn about you and your personality and adapt to it more and more as time goes by forming a...
Coming soon, this is the next generation of AI about to be released... It's going to be able to have conversations with you learn about you and your personality and adapt to it more Show More
If I think about it... YES, it is possible! Maybe a little scary, and I hate to admit it, but definitely possible. I mean who doesn't have any chance of getting attached to someone who really gets you?
NO WAY! How can you fall in love with someone who doesn't even exist?
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If your partner bullied others in the past would you still stay or break up?

Scenario: You've been together for 6 months or more, everything is going great but you find out they used to bullied others during their junior and HS school years. They didn't want to share this shameful information...
Scenario: You've been together for 6 months or more, everything is going great but you find out they used to bullied others during their junior and HS school years. They didn't want to Show More
I would stay if they've changed for the better.
Breaking-up... once a bully always a bully
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