What I Feel About Other People's Beliefs

What I Feel About Other People's Beliefs

I have been reading a lot of comments and blogs about why people hate or want to disprove religion. They would state something along the lines of:

1. It suppresses people from thinking freely

2. It is just a stupid book

3. Heaven doesn't exist

4. There is no evidence

5.The Universe just exist because of the Big Bang not God.

You know the usual.

To be honest there are a lot of unanswered questions that our current science and technological levels cannot solve. Now I am in no way religious, I am a man of science. I nearly wet myself at the announcement by NASA about the TRAPPIST-1 system. I mean come on 7 Earth-Like and sized planets in the habitable zone. What is out there? To quote Albert Einstein's, “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” Religion in of itself can not blind us from moving forward. There is one god, my religion is fact end of story. We would not have advanced very far scientifically, we would not even have this website in which I am posting. Science without religion is pretty much just a philosophy. Though many aspects of science can be proven through observations. However there are certain facts Science can't explain. We know it can explain that the Big Bang happened, and the effects of it expanding. The creation of stars, planets, and galaxies. However, science can not explain why there was a singularity that expanded in the first place. Where did that singularity come from? Science can not answer that...yet. What if the answer that science eventually uncovers, is that it was created by some kind of higher being. Wouldn't that prove the existence of a God? No one knows. To not believe in a religion, is just a way of saying I don't really care why the Universe exist, I just know it works the way it does. In essence, Science becomes boring.

People feel free what you want to believe, everyone should just respect each others beliefs. There should be no reason why someone should attack it in the first place, and no reason why someone should be forced to believe a certain religion. Religion in itself has no pure history. In history, the City of Alexandria, a haven for knowledge and ideas. It was a place much like the U.S. diverse in Ideas, some conflict but people generally got along. Then came a man named Cyril, who wanted to overthrow everything Alexandria stood for, to establish a Theocracy in which he had control over. Alexandria fell and was never the same. This man followed Christianity but in no way did he represent the Religion. He merely used it to appeal to people, distorting their views and causing a witch hunt. We see that today with people of the Islam faith, using it as an appeal to recruit for ISIS. However we all know true Christians and true Muslims, those who can see what religion truly is. It is a lifestyle, a code of ethics and philosophy. It is not something the represents witch hunts or terrorist attacks. It is something the tells us to treat our neighbors right. Respect life, to love and help those in need. How it gets distorted and why people get blinded by the power hungry is beyond me.

Anyways back to a little science. The big bang was the expansion of a singularity which ultimately became the universe we live in. Imagine a dark room no windows no doors, pitch black. At the center of the room hangs a single light bulb. The light bulb switches on, the room is filled with light, however the room is empty. Who created the light bulb, who flipped the switch, who built the room? Just because we can't see what happened, doesn't mean someone wasn't behind it. We can explain that the room was filled with light because someone turned the lights on. We can explain that their is light because of the light bulb. However that is as much as science can explain at the moment. We are left to our imagination as to who built the room, installed the light bulb and flipped the switch. Another example I could use is a video game. It is a simulation, one person had the idea to create it (God), then the players play that game and control what they do within that game (Humans and Life). However their actions are bound to that game (The Universe). However in this case we know someone had the idea for that game (Universe), we know who that producer (God) is because we can look him up. Just because we can't see whatever created the universe, if any, that it doesn't exist. That is why we have Religion. To have one without the other, just makes people blind. We are entitled to our own beliefs. Never let anyone tell you, you are stupid and naive and never force your beliefs on someone else. In a way I'm kind of doing that now because these are my beliefs, but it is like I said just believe whatever you want to believe and let others do the same. No matter how much you feel you know, in the end we are all ignorant. No one is perfect, and the amount of things we don't know far outweighs what we believe we do know.

What I Feel About Other People's Beliefs
Post Opinion