24 d

How would you feel if someone you were dating invited you over for the first time but instead of anything sexual they wanted you to play D&D?

How would you feel if someone you were dating invited you over for the first time but instead of anything sexual they wanted you to play D&D?
How would you feel if someone you were dating invited you over for the first time but instead of anything sexual they wanted you to play D&D?
I'm down for that
I'd play but would still want sex afterward
Boring! i want sex!
As long as they teach me how to play (if you've never played before)
I'd pass but suggest we do something else nonsexual instead.
I'd stop dating them. nerds are icky!
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How would you feel if someone you were dating invited you over for the first time but instead of anything sexual they wanted you to play D&D?
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