Clearing Up the Misconceptions About Atheists


i know most christians see us atheists as condescending "know it all" douchebags who always seem to have an answer for anything. some even see us as worshipers of the devil or as "hostile" towards christians.

actually we are none of that. we are in the same boat with you christians. just like you, we don´t know where we came from and what our purpose is. that´s basically all we do. we say we don´t know. now we are interested in what there is to know so we usually have some theories or are quite informed as to what new scientific findings are which is why would sometimes seem like a know at all.

Clearing up the missconceptions about atheists.

however we just don´t know either. for us god is one of many possible "ideas" that can explain why we exist but for us that explanation just doesn´t seem as the most likely and we don´t acknowledge it as the one to believe as our brains are seeking for evidence and can´t be satisfied with "assuming".

we actually just don´t know if god exists or not, you may say "well then you´re an agnostic not an atheist", which is not quite right, cause agnostics do believe that it can´t be known if a god exits or not. atheists don´t know. they just don´t think it is the case and that´s all she wrote.

for you believers out there: if you want a non "agressive" discussion of your spirituality with a atheist: just don´t try to prove the existance of god or ask for explanations of things that "can´t be explained otherwise". you can´t. you will lose this battle. you should always express that this is something you believe. and you will maybe have to open your eyes a bit and go back a little from what your believe, cause i´ve experienced that some believe directly contradicts with reality. there is a place for your believe in god and that specific spirituality. but this can´t be discussed inside logic. just be aware of this tiny little fact. you have to discuss outside of logic. only then you can have a respectfull conversation with atheists, cause atheists do understand sentimentality and irrationality but if you try to make it logical and rational, you will fail.

just wanted to get that out of my mind. peace.

Clearing Up the Misconceptions About Atheists
3 Opinion