Creationism V Evolution

I've been conversing with a few fellows on here about evolution and in conjunction with my old beliefs I figured I should write about some frequent questions on the subject. I am not a biologist and highly recommend that you look into the research and science on it yourself, as well as, correct me on any errors you see that I make.

Evolution is an explanation of biodiversity on earth that is supported by evidence from every field of life science and disproven by none. There are a few ways this works, but in essence evolution can be summed up as "descent with inherent modification." Evolution has to deal with population mechanics and changes in allele frequency that allow for adaptation. It has nothing to do with the formation of life or the cosmos.

Creationism on the other hand is a hypothesis that some designer is necessary to explain biodiversity, and does not have any evidence to support it.

Creationism V Evolution

Evidence For Evolution

-Fossil Record

The fossil record is significant evidence for evolution showing progression and transition over time.


Francis Collins is a prominent Christian Geneticist and former head of the Human Genome Project which stated, "Yes, evolution by descent from a common ancestor is clearly true. If there was any lingering doubt about the evidence from the fossil record, the study of DNA provides the strongest possible proof of our relatedness to all other living things." Suffice it to say that the same tests we use to determine who the baby daddy is, can also be used to show our relationship to all other primates, and further all other organisms on this planet.


Homologous and Analogous features are positively indicative of evolution by showing that not only do creatures adapt to their environment, but also receive shared features from prior ancestors. Vestigial structures also provide evidence here.

-Phylogeny & Taxonomy

Phylogeny and taxonomy are the process in which we identify and name organisms by their characteristic traits. In the same way that we can tell dogs and wolves are related by following this pattern of kingdom, phylum, class, family, order, genus, species (Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae, Canis, lupus/familiaris). We can tell that humans are apes, (Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Hominoidea, Homininae... Erectus, Sapien). This only makes sense under an evolution and is not concordant with a special creator making life differently.

We've Seen It

We've already seen many speciation events both in the laboratory and in nature.

Evidence For Creationism

There has never been evidence proffered that is positively indicative of or exclusively concordant with Creationism. The only attempt creationists make is to disprove the findings of scientists, but never provide evidence to support their claim. As though destroying evolution would somehow be proof for their claim.

But It's Just A Theory!


A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested, in accordance with the scientific method, using a predefined protocol of observation and experiment. Established scientific theories have withstood rigorous scrutiny and embody scientific knowledge.

-Other Theories

Include but are not limited to the Theory of Gravity, Atomic Theory, Cell Theory, and the Germ Theory of Disease. Evolution is just as much a theory as those.

-Creation is not

Creationism is not a scientific theory. It makes no testable predictions, doesn't have any evidence that's positively indicative of or exclusively concordant with it, and has been "disproven" in courts of law and is not taken seriously by anyone who doesn't have ulterior motives driving this belief.

Why Are There Still Monkeys?

-This objection makes little sense. Humans didn't replace monkey's or apes, we are them and shared a common primate ancestor. We are still monkeys, just like we're still eukaryotic, bilateral, tetrapods. (etc)

Further though, I think a good way to explain this has been through the example of wolves and dogs. We know that our dogs came from wolves (similar ancestor) but there are still wolves.

Micro Vs Macro

-Some creationists have been forced to admit in fact evolution occurs, but then they try to distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution. This distinction is largely of their own making and really only has to deal with time. Creationists, however, posit that there is some sort of magical barrier that prevents macroevolution, but they refuse to define what these "kinds" are so that we can assess this, and of course they provide no evidence that this is in fact the case.


This is perhaps the most infuriating to me. People who knowingly spread misinformation to deceive others. This is inherent in many of the creationist movements, and I think that the people who believe them should feel jaded and question everything when they find out that others have been attempting to deceive them as I once did. There are a few ways they do this:

-Quote Mining

They will frequently take quotes out of context in order to change the meaning of other's words and continue to do so when this is pointed out to them. One of the greatest examples is one in which they take a quote from Darwin speaks about the evolution of the eye. “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” This is dishonest. Later in fact on the same page Darwin then goes on to explain exactly how it could have occurred. Similarly misquoting Richard Dawkins to say he believes in creationism by aliens. They twist and distort Dobzhansky in which he's asking a rhetorical question and states that positive mutations occur to say that in fact positive mutations don't occur. This is dishonest.

-Abiogenesis & Big Bang

Many creationists will fault evolution for not accounting for abiogenesis and big bang cosmology. I think that this is simply obfuscation. Not only do they not posit evidence for their answer, but evolution has absolutely nothing to do with abiogenesis or the origins of the universe.

-Nebraska Man

There are multiple examples of this, but for ease of access I'll just talk about one. Many will point out that "evolutionists are so easily duped! They found a pig's tooth and everyone accepted it as fact and drew a picture about it." This is a lie. One scientist found the tooth and thought it may have been a possible human ancestor. In fact no scientific journal accepted his paper, and it was only ever published in a magazine with an artists rendition of the possible ancestor which was decried even by the person who found it. The entire scientific community rejected this, yet creationists will lie about this.

Anyway, hopefully this was helpful. Criticism appreciated. Also, I'd highly recommend watching this series:

I've been watching it and it's been very educational.

Creationism V Evolution
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