Zoroastrianism, The Religion of the Ancient World And My Great Grandparents

The main Symbol of Zoroaster
The main Symbol of Zoroaster

As we all know, there are many religions out there. Some are human made and others are holy religions. Zoroaster is one of the oldest religions that dates back to 1000 years before
Christianity, and it's the world's oldest monotheistic religion (Worshiping one God).

Its temples are mainly located between Persia and Mesopotamia (nowadays known as Iraq and Iran), but the main fire temple is located in Yazd, Iran. It is considered the most holy temple by Zoroasters .

Zoroastrianism, The Religion of the Ancient World And My Great Grandparents
The main Fire Temple
The main Fire Temple

A lot of Zoroastrians fled to India when Islam gathered power and took over Middle East. 80% of them live in India and only 20% live in Middle East. Zoroastrianism has about 250,000 followers in the world and their number decline every year.

Zoroastrians have several important holy days, such as Nevroz, the birth of Zoroster calendar and Several festivals.

According to Zoroaster calendar it is now year 3750. Zoroaster calendar is 1732 years older than the Christian calendar, and Nevroz is celebrated on March 21. Most nations in Asia celebrate Nevroz and this indicates that Zoroastrianism was once the most spread religion in the world.

The celebrations include dancing and holding each others arms around fire, or jumping on fire during special festivals.

Zoroastrianism, The Religion of the Ancient World And My Great Grandparents
Zoroastrianism, The Religion of the Ancient World And My Great Grandparents

The book of Zoroastrianism is Avesta which contains holy Scripts and Ancient Writings. The original book is currently kept in the Fire Temple.

Zoroastrianism, The Religion of the Ancient World And My Great Grandparents

Important Rules of the Zoroastrianism

There are several laws of the Zoroastrians religion that the followers must obey.

1. No man should touch a woman when she is on her period.

If a man does it, it is considered a sin and that the evil spirits have taken hold of him. It needs complex rituals to clean themselves from evil spirits by using the rituals and spells in the holy book.

2. The Zoroastrian followers should never force someone to obey their religion as it is against peace.

Also hurting people from other religions is considered a big sin.

3. Feeding hot or bad food to animals is considered a big sin.

4. A Zoroaster person should never marry someone from another religion.

5. Murdering and stealing are among the great sins that the followers cannot be forgiven.

6. Having sexual intercourse with a pregnant woman is a sin.

7. Insults are also major sins.
The followers of Zoroaster must avoid cursing.

8. They must believe in Judgement day and afterlife.

9. Belief in Supreme and Universal God.

Ahuramazda is the supreme, omniscient and omnipotent God, who symbolizes truth, radiance, purity, order, justice, courage, strength and patience. He is the creator as well as sustainer. He also protects the good from the evil and maintains order by keeping the chaotic evil at bay.

10. Masturbation is forbidden and also considered a sin.


Hope you enjoyed reading .


Zoroastrianism, The Religion of the Ancient World And My Great Grandparents
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