Things That Will Allow You To Forgive Faster


Hello, people. Inspired by "Forgive 70 times 7. What do you think of this bible principle? " here we go...

1. Understand that lack of forgiveness will hurt you more.

Things That Will Allow You To Forgive Faster

Forgiving might sound to you as something stupid, but living with resentment can damage you in many ways. How nice it would be going back to that painful memory and instead of saying "I hope he/she dies in hell", be able to wish them well.
We won't always have the power to take revenge so losing sleep over trying to do wrong to someone who hurt us is just not healthy!

2. If God forgives us, who are we not to forgive?

While it's true that we would never do what they did to us, it is necessary to remember that we are not saints.
We have probably hurt people without knowing but we never focus on that. We always think about what people do and not about our own actions.

3. Forgive wisely.

Things That Will Allow You To Forgive Faster

Example, if someone keeps spitting on your drinks without fail, you can forgive the person, but ALSO put a cap & straw on your cup, finish the drink as quickly as possible if you see the person approaching, give/'lend' the drink to friend under an pre-made agreement, etc.)

Said by @N192K001

4. Forgiving doesn't mean "stay"

The concept is to "always forgive." That does not require you to involve the person in your day-to-day life. It does not require you to maintain a marriage with an abusive or cheating spouse. What it requires is that you do not hold a grudge.

By @Liam_Hayden

5. Being forgiving is a virtue, and it pays off.

Things That Will Allow You To Forgive Faster

Contrary to the common belief, forgiving won't make you a pushover. It will make you stronger.
It's not letting people walk all over you, it's understanding that we all make mistakes and that some humans are just broken and don't even know what they're doing.

6. Holding a grudge is bad for your blood pressure

It causes anxiety and it can reduce your life expectancy. It affects you and not them – the offender has probably forgotten all about what's making you bitter and twisted.

Things That Will Allow You To Forgive Faster
Things That Will Allow You To Forgive Faster
19 Opinion