The 12 Traits of Heavenly and Earthly and Societal Success

The 12 Traits of Heavenly and Earthly and Societal Success

1. They are Positive People

2. They are uninvolved in battles of Ego and Corruption

3. They are responsible and fulfill their duty

4. They are classy and civil and use calculated and effective language and social devices

5. They are gracious and give imperfect or tired people the freedom to breath and be themselves

6. They are socially and relationally committed to their connections at an emotional and participatory level

7. They are personable and welcoming and attract people with tokens of acceptance and gentleness

8. The are self isolating when it comes to maintaining discretion and do not disclose anybody’s secret to another

9. They are egoless and productive and give up their comfort and reputation and pleasure for the good of others

10. They respect professional and relational hierarchies and m their in laws and their professors and bosses

11. They are protective and consider food allergies when planning parties and work hard to make everybody feel included at work and cautiously guard their work space to prevent hazardous materials from injuring others

12. They are authentic both in their experience and in their commitment and in their self presentation to the world

The 12 Traits of Heavenly and Earthly and Societal Success
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