Understanding the Hidden Treasure and the Hidden Pearl

Understanding the Hidden Treasure and the Hidden Pearl

Jesus talks about how the kingdom of Heaven is like treasure a man found hidden in a field and after finding it he buries it again and than goes and sells all that he has and buys that field

He also says the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls and upon finding one of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought that

So to me the treasure is the secret wisdom of God. Not only is it hard to find, but once found, cannot be bought or sold or shared with the world because it is so controversial that it will always get more haters than acceptors - if it gets any acceptors at all. It’s like explaining to somebody in the 1600s that the earth is round and expecting them to agree with you - 99.99% of people will laugh at you and tell you you are wrong. However in housing this secret wisdom, you find an incredible joy that just grows deeper and deeper with each passing day. This is the joy of God through the wisdom of God.

The Pearl of great price is the act of Intercessory prayer and worship and humanitarian service - this work is hidden meaning you cannot see it since it is invisible but it leads you into a life of worship and makes you rich both spiritually and financially. This is the worship of God through the justice and sacrifice toward God. It only works when it is performed or done secretly.

Understanding the Hidden Treasure and the Hidden Pearl
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