How to respect bad people when the bible tells you too

How to respect bad people when the bible tells you too

I learned this from a co worker: An extremely good looking married man wanted to buy a card and a gift for a morbidly obese and sick unmarried co worker when the overweight cow worker was sick at the doctor’s one day and other workers also treated her very well but treated me poorly because I was new and was prone to making far more errors than them and this is a principle I’ve extended from this situation: That you treat people with the courtesy you are able to offer and the respect they are due, without entertaining hypothetical queries in your mind about their social value or moral goodness. As the bible teaches both evil and good people need water on their crops and both evil and good people need sunlight to grow and see.

Some people think the book of psalms and proverbs is a judgmental book that instructs you to hate and condemn those who do wrong but that is not the case. The book of psalms gives provisional advice about how to disarm drama when drama comes hunting for you, it is not meant to give you ammunition to initiate drama when drama is unnecessary.

The curses in psalms are provisional guidelines for setting up mental and emotional barriers and social boundaries between yourself and those who act dishonestly or corruptly, not as an excuse to vilify them or boost your ego by comparing your religion to their shameful carnality, but as a method of mental protection to shield yourself from damaging and wicked infiltrations by those who do wrong by assuring you they are not higher or more influential than you in the grand scheme of things.

The book of psalms is a provision for boundaries and deliverance from harassment, not an unnecessary, ego boosting excuse to hate and demonize those who mean you no intentional harm.

No bible verse ever encourages hate towards one who does not hate you. None.

How to respect bad people when the bible tells you too
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