Confucius was deeply mistaken but also brilliant

Confucius was deeply mistaken but also brilliant

Today, during my weekly creative writers group, we were asked to write about a hero in our lives and even though I usually have no difficulty with prompts, I realized I could not find somebody in my past or current life who fit the category cause I come from a very secular and anti religious family and social group and was treated poorly or betrayed or avoided or excluded or slandered or disrespected by almost every person who has ever been in my life long term.

So to cope with this unanswerable writing prompt, I decided to write about my best friend of over ten years, how much love and kindness we shared with one another but I knew my answer was only a half truth because even she treated me like worthless trash, when she decided after becoming a successful medical professional, that she no longer wanted to keep me as a friend since we were no longer equal in status and social power.

I realized after sharing my poem with the group that I had become more natty about holding grudges against people and I realized when God says to forget the past, He meant more than just bad memories, he also meant discarded positive memories too.

Confucious said, to be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it, and I believe it takes a genius to understand that forgiveness often involves forgetting the past and not just trouble shooting or fixing it or compensating for it.

Despite his unbalanced understanding of woman, his views on forgiveness, were sometimes on par with the genius of professionals like Tiger Woods.

Confucius was deeply mistaken but also brilliant
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