Why the bible says leeches have two daughters

Why the bible says leeches have two daughters

The bible says the leech has two daughters, “give,” “give,” they cry.

So daughters in the bible represent distinct classes and types of people, they signify the protected class, the beautiful class, the harmless class, the dependent class, and the innocent and safe class. To classify the leech as a daughter contrasts the beauty of a daughter with the ugliness of a leech, it also contrasts the safe nature of a young female child with the toxic and dangerous nature of a leech with no boundaries, and the fact she
is dependent and crying means she is an unpleasant obligation to her family and not a privileged opportunity for them to serve God.

And when the giving is doubled, it means the more you rely on others for your emotional needs, the more emotionally needy you become. The more you depend on others, the more dependent on others you become. The more you cry for help, the more help you will
need. It is only through service for others and not demands of service from others, that you can truly attain your power and strength and independent condition from the world. Leeching is like alcohol, it's addictive and unfulfilling and you become dependent
on it if you abuse it too much.

Why the bible says leeches have two daughters
4 Opinion