What is the minimum fish net size requirement needed in order to catch 153 large fish without the net breaking and is this a miracle catch?

What is the minimum fish net size requirement needed in order to catch 153 large fish without the net breaking and is this a miracle catch?


Do you think the fish that Simon Peter caught was a Biblical miracle that wowed the people when it happened or do you think the fish were not as large as people think?

I think catching 153 large fish in a net without it breaking must have been a super strong fishing net. What size do you think that net was?

Please share your views concerning the Miracle Catch of 153 fish!
Definitely a miracle catch
Probably a miracle catch
Definitely not a miracle catch
Probably not a miracle catch
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What is the minimum fish net size requirement needed in order to catch 153 large fish without the net breaking and is this a miracle catch?
4 Opinion