- +1 y
I don't see it as dumb but more like you haven't thought it out like for example we call all agree rape it bad right? and karma does bad things to bad people right? Well wouldn't this mean that karma deemed it right for victims of abuse to suffer that fate. I mean you can say oh karma hurts the innocent too so anyone can get hurt but what fucked up power would let an innocent person get abused like that hmm either they deserved it, this karma power is weak af and let's good people suffer or karma is bs oh and for your rebuttal of oh mabye you just dont see bad people suffering I mean Epstein hurt a lot of people for many years while living his best life, hanging out with powerful people like gates flying a private jet around the world and all he got was a quick death that what only lasted a minute I've had shits longer than that so I'm sure a quick most likely murder is nothing in comparison to his crimes if karma goal is to keep the balance unless the balance is slap to wrist for 1000 knifes in the back
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- +1 y
Yes, very
What you call karma is called luck,. There was a guy who never done anything wrong in life, called Sergio... And he went down wrong path one day and git his face brutally bashed in with a hammer and killed, look it up 3 guys one hammerWhat did he do to deserve that? Nothing... Everything happens as a consequence of you're actions... Say for example you are a seriel killer and killed 10 people, now... You got away with it for 20years... But oneday you take a risky attempt to write a letter to the police about the murders... And they somehow track your name from the email you sent, and then you go to jail... You got jail punishment as a result of you writing the email like an idiot... If he didn't write that email he could have changed his fate and never went to jail for the murdersSo everything is a result of the actions you take, not some mystical higher power that wants things to happen01 Reply- +1 y
Also let's say you put a marble at the top of a hot wheels track and let go.. it rolls to the floor...
Did that happen because of fate?
Or as a result of the actions you took?
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
Karma is very real. It’s how God set up the world. It’s the same thing as you reap what you sow. People who treat others wrong will always get it in return and if not directly to them it will pass down to their descendants. There’s no escaping judgment
00 Reply 3.2K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Yes you're dumb for karma.
But you were probably two short planks, in your previous life.00 Reply383 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. No, it's real but it works backwards, rewarding bad people with happiness and peace while punishing good people with misery and hopelessness
00 Reply- +1 y
Saying karma is real is like making a god/entity out of nothing.
There are only causes and effects.11 Reply- New +1 y
Nice to see another intellectual around here
Karma is REAL... "You get what you give" always and eventually
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
I was thinking the same. But it can't be. Because bad people live better lives than good people.
00 Reply - +1 y
I believe in karma too. :p
00 Reply Yes it is
KARMA ISN'T REAL00 ReplyI believe karma so badly!
01 Reply- +1 y
Most girls would cos smaller brain capacity said by scientists
690 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Could be stupidity or naive
00 Reply- +1 y
No I don't, because karma is real.
03 Reply- +1 y
So many dumb people
- +1 y
@Buttsvifer That's your belief and I respect it. But I have dealt with karma first hand.
Have a nice day, and don't insult others for their beliefs. - New +1 y
Beliefs or delusional whichever you wanna call it
- +1 y
Not dumb, just mistaken.
00 Reply 664 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. whatever works for you
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
thats just Christ smacking people up
00 Reply
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