- +1 y
No. It'd be nice if they did research on my religion, though, and vice versa. You don't force your religion, your beliefs on someone. I think that teaching others outside your religion, your religion, should be a thing, just don't expect them to follow it. It is good to understand other religions instead of going by stereotypes. Though, it'd be much more complex than that, because every single religion has different teachings. Christianity has different teachings as well. You'll see that Christians has different views of their god and Jesus.
Why do you think that every religion has 'Mythology' at the end? Christian Mythology, Judaism Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, etc. People have to realize that since no-one actually knows the truth, it'll be labeled as 'Mythology' regardless.
I respect the religious views and beliefs, because at the end of the day, it's interesting to me. Though, here's one thing: do not let your religion change who you are, that'll only feed on the stereotypes.00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
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I dont force or pressure anything. I still respect the person but im not tryna date them if we’re not on the same page. Been there twice and it didn't work for me so i’m not giving it a third chance. Its too many options in this world with similar beliefs that i could go for than to try to force myself to work with one who constantly questions my beliefs
10 Reply
- +1 y
Not at all. I don't force people to anything specially religion and i am an orthodox christian from the middle east and it is a big deal to us. If someone force their beliefs and religion on me i start giving them their own medicine and it usually works to leave me all alone 🤣
10 Reply
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No if they don't want happiness with God, that is their choice. God gives you free will to choose. If you believe in God you have to know that devil is also real too. Let the devil have them if they don't want happiness.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
422 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. It doesn't apply, but I certainly don't think I should be made to follow other people's religious teachings.
Obviously, I'll follow some out of common sense (e. g. not killing), and others out of respect for other people's feelings.20 Reply- +1 y
No, everyone is entitled to his / her own religion and I don't push my Protestant faith onto anyone else.
20 Reply u
+1 yAbsolutely not! That should be a voluntary decision for everyone. If it was made mandatory, it would be a meaningless charade.
00 ReplyIf your legal system and administration is built on the teachings derived from a particular religion, then yes in some respects. Otherwise, live and let live dude.
00 Reply3.4K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. That's how nationalities and state laws work, kiddo. Not how religions work.
00 Reply- +1 y
Nope! Laws should primarily keep people from violating each other’s rights or endangering each other.
00 Reply No. Most religions have the same core - not to be an asshole. Only the dogmatics are different.
00 ReplyEveryone sails there own ship or makes there own choices to me that's fare. :)
00 Reply316 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Lol, I would have them try to force that explanation on my fist.
00 ReplyLol no. That’s crazy.
20 ReplyIf you ask like that, nobody here's gonna say yes
20 Reply- +1 y
Nope you can believe in whatever
10 Reply I don't care what other people do
00 Reply501 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. No, mot at all.
10 ReplyNo not at all. To each his own.
10 Reply- +1 y
The hell nooooo
10 Reply 691 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. No i don't
00 Reply
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