Do nice atheists go to Annwn?

Anyone familiar with ancient roman or Greek culture will have heard of Elysium (Elysian Fields) and of the Asphodel meadows.

Those familiar with celtic culture or Arthurian tales may have come across Annwn.

***Fun fact the place Annún in the Lord of the rings is borrowed from Annwn and follows the tradition of referring to it being a land in the west ( both pronounced an-noon). 2nd fun fact one of the earliest British Kings was called Annun AD355, (alleged son of Magnus Maximus).***

But I digress,
Elysium, Asphodel meadows, and Annwn etc are all described as being underground and nice happy places full of delights that you don't have to live a perfect life free of sin or devotion to God to get in.

I'm sure other cultures have similar nice underworlds for the dead. For the sake of the question, let's assume they all refer to the same place.

Which got me thinking,

Why is Christian heaven above us when other "versions" are underground?

Do Christians see these alternatives as being Hell, even though they're a nice place?

Does Christianity put Hell underground as a way of suppressing other beliefs?

So if you believe in an afterlife, but not God. Do you believe it's beneath us or on another dimension?

Do nice atheists go to Annwn?
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