Why does is seem as though my family aren’t supportive of me going after a closer relationship with God?

For the past few months I have made the decision to go on a journey where I am building a strong relationshipwith God. The Father of Jesus Christ. I made some terrible decisions in the past few years. I was fallen deeper and deeper into sin. I wasn’t truly repenting. I wasn’t reading his word or asking for his meaning and understanding of it. I wasn’t living in his will but by my own selfish will and I decided that wasn’t the life God had set for me and more so I started to feel convicted. I felt the need to turn away from all my wrong doings and seek him and when I told my sister and mother about it, who also go to church (I go as well when I’m not working) that I was on this spiritual journey they started to say things like (mostly my sister) how they don’t like how everyone has been going on a spiritual journey. They basically mocked it by saying most people don’t understand what a spiritual journey is and that all it really is allowing the Holy Spirit into your life (Which is true) but having the Holy Spirit in your life is about more than just having it. It’s about allowing the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, a transformed mind, new and better understanding of life etc and when I said that my sister was all “I don’t believe all of that. Only life experiences give you things like that.” Basically contradicting what she said and I then told her that God is the creator of life so it’s the same thing. Then she went in to say how most people on their spiritual journey aren’t being lead by God which is true but it doesn’t make a spiritual journey, in general a bad thing if you’re being lead by the Holy Spirit. She was making it seem as though the concept of a spiritual journey is a waste of time, fake and untrue. Almost in a hateful and bitter manner but I could be overthinking.

Why does is seem as though my family aren’t supportive of me going after a closer relationship with God?
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