Do you believe feelings are God’s way of protecting eligible women from pain?

There was a very famous celebrity who went on a date with John F. Kennedy’s son many decades ago and she had liked him for years and years before their date. He wanted to sleep with her and she said no because she knew she would feel attached to him if she did and she could not trust him to protect her heart. Later he dumped her for saying no and married another women and the guy that dumped her and his new wife both died in a plane crush. The female celebrity’s refusal to sleep with the president’s son and consequential break up after her refusal saved her from dying in a plane crash years later, cause that could have been her instead of his new wife.

I can also think of three times where I was afraid to date a guy cause I did not trust him, and that turned out to be a smart choice cause these guys turned out to have issues.

Do you believe feelings are God’s way of protecting eligible women from pain?
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