Who is the endangered religious minority? Muslims or Jews?

There are 1.8 BILLION Muslims, 113 times as many Muslims as Jews. So don’t buy this BS story that Jews are the big bad bullies overwhelming some poor put upon minority. Besides being false, it’s IMPOSSIBLE. It is JEWS who are the endangered minority not Muslims.

Who is the endangered religious minority? Muslims or Jews?

Jews have lived on the land of Israel for thousands of years since biblical times. Some of them were there because they were PERSECUTED AND EXPELLED FROM THE SURROUNDING ARAB Muslim countries. No one ever even talks about the more than one million Jews who lived in the Arab countries since antiquity and were murdered, their homes and property stolen and driven out. They are ALL GONE because the Muslims in those countries destroyed them!

20% of the population of Israel are ARAB MUSLIM citizens and they have every right that every other citizen of Israel has including the right to vote that they don't get in many Arab countries. They have a far better life and much more freedom they would have had in the Arab countries they fled. They are doctors, lawyers, politicians who hold political office and influence Israeli policy. They have 100% RIGHTS except the right to serve in the Israeli military (Oh the discrimination!). Contrast that with Arab countries that DON'T EVEN ALLOW JEWS TO VISIT their countries let alone live there.

In 1995 there were 1 million Muslims living in Israel. As of 2020 there were TWO million. That's genocide? If so it's the most unsuccessful genocide in the history of the human race.

LEARN YOUR HISTORY! The genocide is and has always been by Arab Muslims against JEWS, not the other way around. There is a total of only 16 million Jews in the world, one of the smallest religious groups. There are 1.8 BILLION Muslims, 113 times as many Muslims as Jews. So don’t buy this BS story that Jews are the big bad bullies overwhelming some poor put upon minority. Besides being false, it’s IMPOSSIBLE. It is JEWS who are the endangered minority not Muslims.

Who is the endangered religious minority? Muslims or Jews?
Post Opinion