Listening to rosemary subliminals as a catholic?


I used to listen to normal subliminals on off in the past year and this year but I stopped a few months ago because I didn't get any physical results and I knew it wasn't okay as a catholic to listen to subs. My mindset did change though through these weight loss subliminals and I went on a diet, but it didn't last long and I gained everything back + a few extra pounds. But I struggle with body image a lot and want to change my body with these subliminals. I always saw these sublimal thumbnails from a channel called "rosemary subliminals" on my youtube recommendation, but never payed attention and the channel kinda scared me I don't know why. But recently I wanted to try one of her subs and clicked on her small waist sub but on mute. I read the description saying that she uses witchcraft and spells and some times puts in some spirits that assist her while making subliminals. And I looked in the comment section and on some reddit threads that talked about their paranormal experiences (some good some bad), e. g. good experiences: "some of my test questions got answered by themselves without me writing it and they were right." , "my waist shrank without diet or exercise", "I lost a lot of weight in a short amount if time" and then bad experiences like dreams about succubus or any spirits, seeing shadows, anxiety etc... Some also say she's safe and doesn't have bad intentions. I'm confused.

I feel really tempted to listen to her small waist subliminal, what should I do?

Listening to rosemary subliminals as a catholic?
4 Opinion