What Religion is and what Religion is not

So I like many others used to believe that being religious was about keeping the law I now know that being religious is not about...
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As a Christian this is how I believe meaning and happiness should be found

I believe life has four purposes Most religious people believe life is about finding and serving God But I believe it’s also about...
2 9

What Moral Perfection Looks Like - According to Jesus

The pharisees thought the ultimate Goal of life was perfection in Justice and law keeping To protect their religious interests they...
1 6

How I interpret the kingdom of God and His Righteousness

Matthew 6:33 Says seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you Before declaring this, Jesus said do not...
1 7

12 False Expectations of Bible Reading

12 Reasons Many Fail To Appreciate, Understand or Properly Interpret Scripture is: (1) The Declaratively Powerful Expectation The expect...
1 6

What we can learn from the vinegar drink Jesus rejected

When Jesus was on the cross he was thirsty after 3 days of dehydration and requested water A man who did not respect him offered him...
3 6

This is the best way to receive Blessings from God

The bible says those who share water receive water So if you want God to bless you can do it by blessing others Pray for those who are...
1 3

What do you think about this verses of Quran?

AL-MAEDA 14. And because of their breaking their covenant, We have cursed them and made hard their hearts. They change words from...

Christians, do you love your "enemies" and pray for those that persecute you?

I'm finding not many doing so out loud, and so I wonder if they are doing so in private. It's not easy to get hearts to change......

Are these days getting rough for you?

These days are so, of my God rough. We are looking at WW III with nuclear. We are all in this world experiencing a Spiritual battle for...

Why did God make my brain the way He did?

I have an obsessive-compulsive disorder that causes me to get “stuck” on certain kinds of thoughts. For example, boys didn’t like me...

Can you call this daydreaming?

Have you ever tried having a nap and you fall into a state of "asleep but not really". This happens to me often. I try to sleep, my...

Do you think you will go to Heaven?

Do you think you will go to heaven or not?
12 20

Do you think stories of traveling to parallel universes are real?

I see a lot of stories across the internet that people either temporarily travelling to and coming back from parallel universes,...
3 5

Do you think God can still give me a husband of I never leave the house due to lockdowns?

At my old job - I talked to a lot of people so getting opportunities to date was easier - now I have only talked to one unmarried male...
6 30

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