Do you think stories of traveling to parallel universes are real?

I see a lot of stories across the internet that people either temporarily travelling to and coming back from parallel universes, dreaming that they're in another universe, suddenly having their body and mind-altered to match the universe they go to, or somehow respawn in a new reality upon dying an unexpected and tragic death. I personally think most of it is a bunch of crap (reasons are most of the poll options I've listed) since all these quantum theories are actually just scientific hypotheses lacking strong evidence to be as believable as gravity or evolution. Let me know what you all think of those stories that you read or watch about online about people allegedly travelling through the multiverse.
They're just doing it for attention
Probably suffering from mental illnesses
Most likely hallucinating weird shit
Aliens coming from another dimension
Definitely legit testimonies of other realities
Indication that we're living in a simulation
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Do you think stories of traveling to parallel universes are real?
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