
Search Results: Guys IF you tell a guy I used to model what comes

Why are so many hot guys single?

I have a few guy friends who are really handsome and they know it because girls are always checking them out and flirting with them. I used to assume that if a guy was really hot he would probably be taken but I've...
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Is it true women use their peripherals to check out men?

One of my close friends and I were talking about who uses peripherals more when "checking out" a girl/guy. She was using me to make a point. Saying I always "freeze up" whenever a cute girl comes by and I must be looking...
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10 Ways Guys Try And Break You Down.

10 Ways Guys Try And Break You Down So That They Can Sleep With You Putting someone else down fills the void left by one's own insecurity. Often, men who put women down do so because they perceive the risk in as less than...

If Women Really Aren't "Visual," It's A Huge Disappointment for Guys

I've recently heard about a "theory" that states women aren't visual when it comes to attraction. I don't know if I'm the only guy that got sad and disappointed when I heard about this. Surely I hope it's not true, I hope...

6 Deadly Dating Mistakes Guys Commonly Make

Dating is the bane of many a man's existence. Its very common these days to see men, calling themselves "average frustrated chumps"; no matter what they just can't seem to get it right with the ladies and can't understand...

The Rise AND Fall of a Role Model: A Mother’s Quest

Im sure we’ve all had a role model who eventually let us down, right? Well in this take i will talk about my role model... MY MOTHER. A FALLEN ANGEL My grandparents are great now that they have a “second chance” at...

Guys who are too nervous to approach aren’t always fearing rejection. Usually they probably aren’t.

This take is written for young men, but women are free to share their opinions as well. There’s a stigma out around that if you aren’t approaching any girl you find physically attractive the moment you see them there’s a...

Role models, modern family and (P2)

Role models, modern family, and current war (P1) Part 2 - Final Every single man has been rejected one time or another. Not a single one of us were farted out the womb and, BAAM, were automatically Don Juan...

The Difference Between a Gearhead And a Car Guy Wannabe

I was born with an interesting mix. A fascination in how things work, a great love for finesse and a desperate death wish. It should come as no surprise that I have wanted to race cars since before I was 5 feet tall....

Is It More Difficult To Be A Guy Or Girl?

Why is it difficult to be a girl? Society is to blame for a lot of the difficulties women face in the world. Make a list of all the bad words you can call a woman and the list is nearly endless. Derogatory words have...

Things Women Do That Piss Good Guys Off While Dating

Congratulations! You're finally tired of Dating dominant neanderthals who don't drive, create lots of drama, and shortly quit their job almost immediately after moving in with you! You're ready now to take a bolder step...

A Rebuttal to the Idea that Nobody Should Use the Term "Cheating"!

“The term “cheating” is erroneous and stupid and no one should use it.” This is the title of a MyTake by @Thatsamazing. I was originally writing this as a comment, but I got a bit carried away and figured it might work...

Why can't I get a boyfriend? do men these days hate beautiful women?

it seems petty thieves, drug addicts, bisexual crackwhores anyone can get any guy they want--except me? all guys do is make fun of me or put me down. I'm a very pretty girl, a model, beautiful body...just gorgeous. I'm...
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What will it take to wake females up?

Now, before I begin, you'll notice my attitude toward this topic will seem bitter and one-sided. I apologize to those who will be offended by this, but I've posted here, in order to gather data quickly. To start, I'm...
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Chivalry - Endangered or Extinct?

Chivalry has two roads that it's facing: Extinction or Endangered. But if chivalry is only an abstract idea and response, why is it then so hard to come by? And what makes something chivalrous? Heroism,...

How To Be a Real Man

When someone tells you 'how to' do or be something, it will always be slightly or totally subjective. Being a real man means different things to different men, to women, to different cultures, to different religions and...

Eight of The Worst Things About Being a Man

What do I think are the worst things about being a man? Oh boy, I can feel all of your eyes rolling back in your head right now and your fingers itching to write the, but you're just some chick, what do you know answer,...

A response to NicoletteXO's "How To Get A Woman If You Are An Incel"

User @NicoletteXO wrote a nice MyTake called How To Get A Woman If You Are An Incel . I wrote a response, but it was so long, I ended up just making it a MyTake myself. No, this isn't necessarily about MGTOW. I'm not...

How to Avoid a Stupid Man: Women Must Know Who They Are: Part 2

If you go back to the last paragraph in the previous article you will notice that I did not say: the stupid woman must come to the knowledge of herself. I said, "The stupid woman must come to the knowledge of the self."...

How to attract women with your appearance and how not to

Hello dear friends! I'm posting this because I've seen so many anonymous guys asking "Ladies, how do I attract women?" Well let me help you so you can quit asking! Please note that these are my personal opinions and if...