Search Results: Male or female body more aesthetic

Male or female body more aesthetic?

Which one is more aesthetic and has a higher artistic value? I think hands down male body. Of course a trained, lean male body. I think it's one of the best things in the world to draw, sculpt or just admire.
Which one is more aesthetic and has a higher artistic value? I think hands down male body. Of course a trained, lean male body. I think it's one of the best things in the world to Show More
Male body
Female body
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Why is male body not considered as aesthetic and sexually appealing as female body is?

Even a Girls legs and arms are seen as beautiful and sexy while male legs and arms aren't glorified sexually. A man can be shown shirtless but still is believed to be something neutral and nothing sexual. As a woman I...
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How does female attraction work?

After spending some time on the internet understanding how the female mind interprets sexual desires, I have come to an understanding that women are not all that attracted to the male body, rather it's the status and...
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Girls, What about men and male body makes it more attractive and appealing?

What about men and male body makes it more attractive and appealing to you than women and female body... although women are better looking and have more aesthetic face and body/physical traits?
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Would men be more sexually attractive and aesthetically pleasing to women?

Since most women despite being straight feel that the male body isn't really that attractive or aesthetic as much as female body is... they're just wanting it for the male genitalia that can help in reproduction and sex.....
Since most women despite being straight feel that the male body isn't really that attractive or aesthetic as much as female body is... they're just wanting it for the male genitalia Show More
O yeah... this way men would be better, more sexually attractive and aesthetically pleasing too
No way. I find the way men are as of now to be quite sexy and aesthetic too
The current male body is quite nice.. but would be better if they had natural hairless skin on body n face too
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Why I'm Proud To Be Male

I've seen a bunch of takes written by girls, saying why they are proud to be women. Well I decided to write a take on why I'm proud to be a man. I'm a straight man by the way. Aesthetics, while women can't appreciate...

Being a woman is so much more better and fortunate

As a male I personally feel being a female is so much more better and fortunate than being a male. There are so many nice things being a woman 1.) You don't have to deal with beard / coarse facial hair. You...

How stereotyping and socially acceptable prejudice negatively affects the Asian male

As I’ve mentioned before , the relations between the Asian-American communities and the liberals are strained. More and more Asians continue to abandon the liberal community because they realize that liberalism doesn’t...

Building a good body is different for men and women!

If this is stating the obvious to you, okay. I want to point out some facts about sex-based aesthetics. The male equivalent to this: Is not a super jacked good looking fitness model. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The...

Why women won't date bald guys but full head of hair men?

What is harder to acquire, what do men have more chances to possess? A full head of hair or a bald/balding head? What situation gives you the more options? That's all the questions you need to ask yourself. This is the...
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East Asian Beauty Standards for Men

In today’s discussion, I would like to present to you the East Asian beauty standards for men. I previously covered the East Asian beauty standards for women, which you can read about here. I find that it’s more...

Perspectives on Fashion Today

I was thinking about some of the differences between male and female fashion the other day, and I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the topic. My views below represent the fashion of an average male and female,...

The Difference Between the Good Guy and the Nice Guy Isn't Looks: It's Status

It's both the feminists AND the whiny, petulant self-identified "nice guys" that are wrong about this debate. Supposedly, a "nice guy" is just some boring, ugly guy who tries to win women over by doing nice things for...

If Women Really Aren't "Visual," It's A Huge Disappointment for Guys

I've recently heard about a "theory" that states women aren't visual when it comes to attraction. I don't know if I'm the only guy that got sad and disappointed when I heard about this. Surely I hope it's not true, I hope...

A Man Should Never Be Ashamed of His Gender

I am sure most men have noticed how the male gender is currently shamed by society, specifically from the misandrist feminists and self hating males known as white knights. Men and women should be supporting each other...

Heightism: the Type of Discrimination That You Didn’t Know Existed

Humans come in all different heights, some are short, some are medium, some are tall and very few are giant. So who usually tends to suffer the most when it comes to heightism? Most of you already know, it’s short people....

Why is the hijab important to Muslim women?

I thought I'd share some light on the topic as I feel the hijab is very misunderstood and in rarer cases, looked upon as a symbol of oppression. I will try to answer this question as best as I can as a Norwegian Muslim...

The Focus of Gender Issues Should Be Shifted Towards Egalitarianism

This is a revision of my previous myTake in response to some of the criticisms regarding generalisations, political correctness and lack of sensitivity in clarification. In light of this it is a lot more detailed. But...

Why the SI Swimsuit Issue Should NOT Feature Plus-Sized "Models"

Surprisingly, this is my first time ever composing a MyTake. Despite being an English major and a somewhat outspoken conservative, I have refrained from doing so precisely because this is/was the one forum I wanted to...

How to Give A Massage- A Basic Protocol

GIVING A MASSAGE MADE EASY GETTING SET UP SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT Environment You will need a six by nine foot (2 x 3 M) or larger space in a quiet area. You should have access to electricity for musical devices, heaters...