Internal Traits I Like in Men

This myTake is totally inspired by this: 14 Traits That Women Find Attractive In Men.

I find it really interesting to see how everyone view this differently and I was thinking I should put my mustard into this (…Germans, google tells me the correct use is: to add one’s two cents) back to topic, feel free to comment what internal traits you like in a partner.

Also we’re talking about internal traits and not looks. And yes looks are important to me, if I’m going to wake up beside the same person for a long time I want to be amazed and wake up with saying DAAMN` but here beauty IS in the eye of the beholder so let me be, everyone defines and sees beauty differently

Internal Traits I Like in Men

This is not in a particular order, also again everyone has a different opinion about what is important to them and what they like in other people or don't.

1. Honesty
I like people who I can trust and someone who doesn’t mind telling the truth and I personally find honesty so damn attractive. There is a difference between being mean and saying respectfully what’s going on.

2. Respect
Besides of honesty being respectful is so damn nice. We are both human beings and we both should fucking act like it. I won’t tolerate bullshit behavior.

We’re in this together I respect you and you respect me, doesn’t mean you have to agree with all my decisions, but respect them and also keeping the respect between two human beings.

3. Confidence
You hear this point everywhere and from nearly everyone, so yes! Confidence is important.
My definition of confidence is knowing who the hell you’re and trusting yourself that you will handle that shit. Be confident in your body, soul, heart and mind.
I know exactly who I am, I appreciate myself and accept myself for who I am, sure I’m not perfect, nobody is but I know that and it’s okay, cause I’m going to work on the things I don’t like and want to improve.

3.1 Self esteem

Knighted2170 said in his point indifference: “I want her to like me. I don’t need it work, I don’t need her to like me. I’m not going to be super aloof and hope she gets my vibe. At the same time I’m not going to jump into her space either. I’m just going to place myself in the middle and give her the opportunity to close the distance between us. From a cocky stand point I could say “my life is awesome as it is, you would simply be a bonus within it. You can join me, or not.” “

I 100% agree with this. I personally wouldn’t call it indifference tho

Internal Traits I Like in Men

5. Strong mentality
I like someone who won’t break just because something bad may happen in future.

I’m not a pussy and I’m tough when bad things happen (we can cry later but also stand up again) so I do appreciate this trait in others.

6. Dominance
I like men who don’t mind getting their hands dirty, saying what the hell they want and making a decision. You want something, then go get it (in a legal way).
6.1.Doesn’t give to many fucks
There is a lot going on in life, be able to set priorities and separate from Important things to not that Important. Be able to lead your own life and get your own shit together first.

7. Kindness
We are humans with a heart. I feel like you should get what I mean and I shouldn’t have to explain this

8. Passion
Life can be a bitch, but mostly life is fun and there are so many things to enjoy and like. So I like people who have a passion for life and other stuff that you like to do for yourself.

Again we’re humans and just enjoy things and enjoy life.

Internal Traits I Like in Men

9. Adventurous
Look at point 8 + let’s be crazy together and just do some stupid stuff and be a child/teen for a little while. Let us go out in the world and be spontaneous.

10. Humor
Laughing is healthy and good and humor is the way to laugh with someone. Everyone has a different humor but I’m sure this will work out

I see that as part of common vibes, with some you just click and others need work and some well don't even try...

11. Ambition
I don’t care how much money you have or what car you have or whatever but I do care if you have a plan in life.
Perfectly explained in Knighted’s myTake: “It means you have an awareness of where you want to go in life. It means you know what your goals are and you are moving towards those goals in a concerted fashion. It doesn’t mean you are in some comfort zone sitting on the couch eating a box of Ho-Ho’s while binge watching ‘Maniac’ or ‘Black Mirror.’ You actually get off your ass and make shit happen.”

Internal Traits I Like in Men

12. Intelligence
I want to be able to talk to someone and learn something new.

13. Sex
I like a man who knows what he wants and who isn’t afraid to do the dirty under the sheets. (Legally. If someone says no accept it and let it be. Just the fact that I have to add this should tell you a lot about this world by the way.)
Welcome in the 21st century, sex is normal and should be fun for both involved.

*when we're already talking about sex: Advice For Your First Time!*

I hope you enjoyed this Take, I for sure had fun writing a Take again after a long time

I wish you a great day, enjoy life and keep your head high! :)

Internal Traits I Like in Men
Post Opinion