A 30 Somethings Advice to You

A 30 Somethings Advice to You

1. When the dial turns from 29 to 30, a lot of people freak out and figure their youth is over. It's not. It's just yet another chapter in your life. You still have energy, you are still youthful, you can still do whatever you want. The only real significant change is that people tend to consider you officially an adult now. That does have a few perks.

2. There is always this push to figure it all out in your 20s, but if you hit 30 and you still haven't got a clue, it's really not the end of the world. Find out what you're passionate about by exploring all those bucket list items and joining groups that have similar interests, maybe go back to school, maybe 180 on your job, travel.

3. Take your health seriously. This applies to anybody really, but you get one body in this life and sitting on the couch with a pot belly, chain smoking, and doing no exercise is not going to serve you well in the long run or even in the short term. Go for a walk, once a day. That's it. If you can't do it all in one go, park farther away from work, take the stairs every once and again, and if you have kids, play with them instead of sit and watch them play. And for goodness sakes, eat your greens!

4. Stop making excuses and stop putting yourself and your own needs on the back burner. Yes, life can be much more complicated after 30 then it was in your 20s, but getting into a routine of putting yourself last is a terrible habit to have. If you're working insane hours, plan for and take your vacation times. If you're always tired, turn off the electronics and go to bed. Stop saying to yourself all the time, oh next year I'll do it, and come up with a plan on how you're going to buy the house, go to Italy, have the kids, etc.

5. Learn the art of saying no. Don't want kids or marriage, don't want to go to your lame friend's party, don't want to follow in your parent's footsteps...say no. Sometimes when you're younger, other people feel that they have the right to make important decisions for you or to dictate your life, or to pressure you into doing what they want you to do, but as you get a bit older, know that you have every right to say no and do your own thing or to choose a different path.

6. Stop putting yourself down and allowing others to do the same. This isn't high school anymore; you're an adult who can speak up for yourself and who should be aware at least to some degree how great you really are. Don't sit around with your friends and try to one up one another about how fat you are, or how bad your skin is, or how inept you think you are at your job, or succumb to the vicious gossip train and putting others down to cover up for your own insecurities. It's not cute and its destructive for yourself and towards others. If you feel you truly have a weakness, work on it. If you don't like people talking bad about you or starting drama, don't turn around and do it yourself.

7. Be a part of something bigger than yourself and learn to love something other than yourself. Your 20's are and should mostly be about you and trying to get where you're going, but once you sort of have a stronger footing in life, start giving back and start loving something or someone else. Get a dog, if you want kids and can take care of them, have them, find a partner to love, volunteer at a soup kitchen, use your school alumni status to give back to your school, volunteer for a political campaign you feel strongly about, volunteer at a children's hospital or to work with vets. Do something that humbles you, and that reminds you there is more to life then just yourself.

8. Tackle your finances. You might have gone a little crazy in your 20s or maybe not so crazy, and you have student loan debt. Don't let this bury you or get out of hand. While the problem is semi-manageable, hit up the internet for tips, go the bank to negotiate your loans down, talk to someone you know with a head for money about how you can do the same, start actively every month paying off your credit card debt, find something you can invest in, find out about 401K plans, and create both a saving's plans and an emergency saving's plan. Money problems cause a lot of stress that can affect your life, but ignoring them won't make them go away. You want to get on the right track so you can buy that future home, or have retirement fund set up.

9. Be present in the lives of your friends and family. Its easy to make excuses or skirt your responsibilities, but these people in your lives are the ones you should pay the most attention to and spend the most time with, and give your respect. If you come from a bad family situation, family doesn't just mean blood relatives. Stop flaking on friends and family, spend real quality time with your children, spouse, or significant other, and don't put work above your family. You only really ever get one chance at the real moments that matter in life and you keep putting them off and flaking on them, you'll regret it in the long run.

10. Be an example. I was told a long time ago that I should be an example of the person I would want to look up to. You never know in this life who's wathcing you. Your child, your significant other, your boss, your co-workers, your friends. Se the example. As you grow older, you want to lay the foundation for others that perhaps you've once followed along. Stay out of trouble, respect your elders, use your manners, be charitable, use your education, pay it forward. You don't have to be a celebrity to be important to someone. Just be your best self and constantly strive to do your best and to not settle for a mediocre life.

A 30 Somethings Advice to You
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