Female lead characters that are missing crucial parts of the Hero Journey archetype. [Part 2]

For those of you who have not read Part 1 https://www.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-behavior/a24366-female-lead-characters-that-are-missing-crucial-parts-of-the-hero WARNING! There are spoilers to Star Wars Episode VII and Mockingjay Part 2. If you wish not to have them spoiled do not read. This will be done in two parts so you don't have to read a massive brick of text. These are just my opinions and observations and am in no way trying to claim any of this as objective facts.

So now we come to the lovable Rey of Star Wars VII The Force Awakens. Rey is virtually everything that Katniss Eversdeen is not. I found her to be incredibly likable. She was smart, independent, skilled, mature, fierce but caring, but she also was a bit of a scavenger similar to Han Solo and not a goody two shoes. I found her to be mature and confident. At no point in the film did she rely on her looks to get anything. She didn't have solutions to her issues just drop in her lap. She actually thought for herself and didn't have to be carried through the movie. But then I felt a little disturbed.

Female lead characters that are missing crucial parts of the Hero Journey archetype. [Part 2]

Rey was TOO cool of a character. She didn't have major character flaws. She just grew up poor and longed for her family but those are more of outside elements and nothing actually negative about her herself. Rey had the same problem as Katniss. Not too much development in her character. She was missing parts of the heroes journey because from the beginning she was already at the end. Rey is what Katniss Eversdeen should have eventually become by the end of Mockingjay. Rey basically started her heroes journey as a fully mature woman leaving not a whole lot of room for growth. Yes her physical abilities in terms of the force started out lacking and she greatly improves as time goes on.

Although I felt these physical abilities kind of turned Mary Sue a couple points in the film because she miracously went from having trouble just getting the millennium falcon to take off to only a minute later in the same chase sequence perform almost impossible manuevers with the hulking machine in a tight space when she had never flown it before or was used to how it flew. She then does it again by defeating Kylo Ren who was also as equally sensitive to the force but also had years and years of jedi training with the force and with a lightsaber yet Rey, who had never even held a lightsaber or trained in the force and was using a lightsaber for the very first time, somehow easily overpowered him in the second half of their fight. But I understand that someone had to defeat the dude and it sure wasn't going to be the loud bumbling idiot Finn. Granted Kylo Ren was not fully trained himself and he was also hurt so both he and Rey will develop their jedi abilities in future films; it was still a bit of a stretch for her to beat the sith boy like that. Even Luke who had trained for weeks with Yoda in Episode 5 showed how ill-prepared he was to go up againt a sith when his father basically just tossed him all over the place in episode 5 demonstrating how poor Luke was at fighting with a light saber and using the force compared to a trained jedi/sith when vader disarmed him and then *ahem* dishanded him half a second later and then for Luke to scream about the impossibility of an incredibly obvious and probable truth about Vader being his dad. (Really reminding me of Katniss but at least he eventually gets past this freaking out phase he had in the first two films)

Female lead characters that are missing crucial parts of the Hero Journey archetype. [Part 2]

Even Rey's physical abilities I feel flourished a little too early which was basically her only side that needed to truly be developed. But this take is more on character development on their mentality and personality more than their physical feats. Will Rey develop more with the force and fighting abilities with a lightsaber? Absolutely. And I love it because she really is such an awesome character and enjoyable main lead because she's not obnoxious or annoying. She's smart, fierce and very charming. And I'm so glad she doesn't spend half just being boy crazy. She develops a friendship and maybe possible future love with Finn but for the most part that is set the the side for her to find herself which unfortunately was not the case in things like The Hunger Games. But I just hope that she doesn't follow down the same path as Katniss and really end as the same person as she was at the beginning. Because growing is the central theme of the Heroes Journey and I'd hate for such an amazing female lead to be passed up on this classic archetype like several female leads before her have unfortunately done. Let's hope Rey truly can be seen as the classic hero without being carried to the end by the other characters and she doesn't have to have too much Mary Sue wish fullfillment do it either. She should be able to become a hero of legend through her own sweat, blood(not too many tears please?) when facing her trials and tribulations.

Female lead characters that are missing crucial parts of the Hero Journey archetype. [Part 2]

Female lead characters that are missing crucial parts of the Hero Journey archetype. [Part 2]
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