5 Tips for Tinder!

I'm no expert, and I'm not exactly the most consistent person when it comes to using Tinder. But I've been toying with the app for a year or so now, and I feel like I have sure enough footing to offer some advice. As always, I encourage you to tell all of us - and me - your own advice in the comment section if you have any.

1. Don't Take it Seriously!

Honestly! You can feel the vibe someone gives you, even through messaging. If you're going to approach someone and be Super Serious about the conversation, don't bother. Tinder is supposed to be a fun app. People go on there to joke, flirt, and fuck around. Leave the serious stuff for legitimate dinner dates.

2. Don't Be Afraid to Post a Goofy Picture!

If you show you have the confidence to put up an unflattering, silly looking photo (ladies, lookin' hard at you right now) - then it shows that you're secure in yourself and you're not afraid of having a good time. It'll also help serve as a conversation starter!

5 Tips for Tinder!

3. Ladies - Don't Make Guys Start Every Conversation

Do you know how many girls they match with that they have to talk to first? A lot. Maybe not necessarily all of them, but from what I've gathered from previous conversations with previous matches - guys do the majority of the conversation starting. WOMAN UP! Comment on a shirt he's wearing, or something witty he may have wrote in his bio. Even if you don't click, or even if he doesn't reply - no loss to you. It's just Tinder.

4. Gentlemen - Stop Rushing Things!

Yes, it's a hookup app. No, you're not looking for a relationship. But you're relatively strangers - most likely sober ones, at that - so a girl is not going to be comfortable going to your place after you've just started speaking to her 20 or less minutes ago. You have to build up to that, you have to have consistent conversations with her. Make her enjoy your presence. Make her comfortable. If she feels rushed, any progress you made is going to be brought to a hault if not totally erased.

5 Tips for Tinder!

5. At the End of the Day, It's Just An App.

Chances of you running into someone you matched with? Slim to none. I've matched with 57 people, according to the app, and I've yet to run into any of them in my daily life. So let loose, have fun, shake away that anxiety. They don't know you, they don't have a pre-determined perception of who you are like everyone else in your life does. You can be a totally new, more outgoing you with them. I mean, don't lie to them about yourself, but don't be as restrictive with your personality as you may be otherwise.

If things go south, unmatch them and move on. It's just an app! If anything you come away with a funny story to talk to your friends about.

5 Tips for Tinder!
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