An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals


I'm seeing a lot of bafflement or shock and outrage from the left, and I think a nice explanation is deserved about Trump and the Alt-Right. In no particular order, let's tackle a few topics.

1. "Trump Is racist!"

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals

It's been a popular thing for a lot of people to say this year. "Guys, Donald Trump is literally Hitler." It's been shouted by the left, some in the center, and some of the more old school moderates on the right. Here's the thing... we don't care. Us Millennials especially, have grown up with a constant refrain of how evil whites are, how anything remotely pro white is racist and bad. We also have seen how that translates on the streets.

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals

Democrats, the Left... you've been preaching well for years that whites are basically evil. Salon Magazine (which you might not like, but is legitimately a huge, successful company) flat out declared "Why Men must stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it."

Let me explain how this works: you preached Evil White Men, White Men that are scary racists and want to oppress minorities, that don't accept outsiders... then Black Lives Matter Rallies and Jesse Williams speeches turn into:

"Evil white men" has been strongly preached for more than a few years now, inspiring violence from the groups who are being told they are being enslaved and murdered. They take action against the "evil white men"... and they are making huge strides to get the boogieman they spoke of.

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals

2. "Trump isn't even conservative!"

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals

See, we on the Right and Alt-Right don't care anymore. Why worry about if a Melanie has posed nude? Are you threatened by her sexuality? Are you some maniac that wants to control women? Why worry if Trump has had affairs or banged 500 women? Why worry about it? As the Left likes to say, such beliefs are outdated and antiquated. The Right used to be so focused on things like abortion, which the Left joyfully used as an issue to paint the Right as hypocrites or anti-women.

The nice thing is, you also got your wish... we don't really care anymore. Oh, Trump pays lip service to the idea of being pro life, but no one under 40 really cares anymore. Ann Coulter, a conservative icon, remarked

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals

The Right has long been a party of "We will lose with great honor, holding to our standards!"

Now, the Right has become a party of "Win. Let's win."

And hell yes, we would like to send a gorgeous babe like Melanie Trump to the White House.

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals

10/10. I would totally bang her.

3. This is racial politics!

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals

The Left and the old school groups like the National Review have been sobbing... innumerable voices agreeing that the Alt Right, which Hillary herself believes gave Trump the nomination, is a racial, white nationalist group. Racial politics! It's horrifying. Thing is... whites have already seen racial politics are fine. For blacks, at least. So why not for whites? I mean, we've seen a huge focus on "what are these politicians doing for blacks?" or blacks angrily protesting and taking action for their own self interest. We've seen DNC candidates talking about how whites don't know what it's like to be black, or how horrible they have it because of racism...

Here's an illegal immigrant to the USA... speaking at the DNC convention.

The Left happily will flaunt the law when it helps them pander to racial demographics... and Latinos or blacks or Asians have no problem voting for politics specially tailored to benefit their race. Hell, Donald Trump declared he wants to enforce immigration laws, and was slandered as a racist Nazi. For just wanting to enforce laws that leftists are flouting to their benefit.

Why not whites? The Left and more moderate conservatives are horrified at the idea that whites are looking for policies and leaders who will specifically benefit them. How can they be shocked? Blacks and Latinos have strongly been encouraged to vote based on "how will this help your race?" for years, quite publicly. How can you be shocked when whites decide to play the same game to see how they can benefit?

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals


Have fun! Let the raging and flaming begin!

An Explanation to the Puzzled Liberals
16 Opinion