The Social Justice Survival Guide

I've already done more then enough MyTakes covering race. I've done a MyTake covering body image. Now, for my final MyTake (at least for a while) I'm going to cover social justice warriors. And maybe just maybe you'll find this useful.

As you may or may not have noticed, social justice runs rampant in today's society. Who am I kidding, you've noticed.

The Social Justice Survival Guide

The reality is, the only people who like social justice warriors are other social justice warriors. Unfortunately, there's a decent amount of those people nowadays. They're annoying, obnoxious, hypocritical, disrespectful, narcissistic and really really really fucking pathetic.

But they exist. And that means you are bound to run into them. And that means you are forced to deal with them. Unfortunately.

So today I'm going to teach you how to deal with them. For months I've observed how they think, act, and behave (if you're on the internet, you don't really have much of a choice to be honest.) Here is the conclusion I've come to.

The goal of a social justice warrior is to find other social justice warriors and expose people who are not social justice warriors.

Yes, I called a group of people narcissists, yet I'm using a quote I made up on the spot as some sort of prophetic wisdom. I do realize the irony there.

How to survive Social Justice Warriors

Phase 1)

The Social Justice Survival Guide

When you first meet a social justice warrior, they will naturally want to find out if you share the same views as them, to see if you should be welcomed into the fold. To them, there is no greater honor then being a social justice warrior. To you, there is no greater dishonor.

In order to do this they will bring up race, feminism, and any other issue they can possibly think of to test you. For a group of people who claim they dislike racism and feminism they sure do enjoy talking about it (I'm aware of the hypocrisy, thank you very much.)

You could get into an argument with them. But, let's face it, these people don't want to argue. You could attempt to poke holes in their logic, but they aren't there to be taught, they are there to teach.

Here's what I suggest you do instead. Ignore them. Just fucking ignore them like you would any other sort of narcissist. Here's the key though- only ignore them if there is somebody with their particular traits around. As in, if a white woman is talking to you and there is another white woman you can ignore them, but if a non-white woman is talking to you and there is not another white woman you cannot ignore them. How so?

If a white woman SJW is talking to you about feminism or racism or whatever they chatter on about, and you ignore them they will naturally accuse you of ignoring them because they are a woman.

You just can't win, huh.

Actually, you can. If a white woman SJW claims you are ignoring her because she is a woman and there is another woman in the vicinity, simply start talking to the other woman. This immediately disproves the SJWs claim.

You win

It's a bit more complicated if, say, the SJW is a woman but there are no women around. In that case, simply say "I don't want to talk about this." If the SJW presses the topic start up a conversation with somebody else. The SJW is now boxed out of the primary conversation and they come off looking stupid as opposed to you coming off looking ignorant, racist, or sexist. They come off desperate to bring up race issues and you come off as being chill and cool with everybody. Even better, include them in this new conversation. That will throw them. And they can't claim you're racist or sexist if you simply said you don't want to talk about the issue. They can try.

Phase 2)

The Social Justice Survival Guide

(Sorry if this offended anybody. Not really though)

This is a common tactic SJWs use. Take this video. I'm sure you've seen it. This shrieking banshee freaks out because this man said his name was hugh mungus.

She, however, does not go around saying he told her his name was hugh mungus. She instead goes around claiming he sexually harassed her- a MUCH more serious infraction. (considering hugh mungus is a complete joke).

Fortunately in this case there was footage. But what if there isn't any footage.

If you are ever forced into a situation where you must deal with a crazy SJW have your phone recording. If she/he tries to claim something happened that didn't actually happen you have your recording to prove him/her wrong. You might think that's a ridiculous thing to do, but think about the great audio bytes you may get that you can upload to Youtube.

Trust me, it's worth it. And imagine the look on the SJWs face when you present the recording. I'd imagine they'll be shell shocked.

If you haven't been recording, that's no problem. These people aren't geniuses. Simply start recording the conversation at any point, and play it back to her as proof you've been recording her. She doesn't know you just started recording her.

Most of the time the SJW isn't going to take the chance and will drop it.

If you don't have a recording, pay attention to the cameras surrounding you. If need be you may be able to get the footage later on to prove your innocence.

Obviously you can't have your phone recording everything everyone says at all times. But if you know you're going to encounter a crazy nut job like this, it may be a worthwhile step.

3) Guilt

The Social Justice Survival Guide

If all else fails, the SJW may try to guilt you or make you feel like a bad guy. This one is simple. Think about all the horrible things SJWs have done while they are pointing out all the horrible things about you. This will reduce the effects of these mind games. If you don't feel guilty, the SJW fails entirely.

Boxing SJWs out

To me, one of the worst things you can do to someone is ignore them. As in, pretend they don't exist. It is rude and disrespectful. They are not worthy of your attention.

But here's the thing- when it comes to SJWs, they aren't worthy of your attention.

Why SJWs get any attention at all is beyond me (I'm guilty of it too). If anybody else went around attempting to correct people's speech and get words banned from the dictionary they would be ignored and nobody would want anything to do with them. But SJWs end up getting attention, precisely what they want.

If an SJW starts berating you about race and sexism and whatnot, simply ignore them. Pretend they don't exist. Go out of your way to communicate with people around you. No matter what, ignore them. Unless they assault you, in which case you have the right to defend yourself. If you never acknowledge their prescense, and you don't acknowledge them as people they have no effect on you. Think of them as an alien species. Whatever it takes. If this sounds mean, just think about all the mean things SJWs have done.

If more people started doing this, SJWs might get the message and stop with their shitty, narcissistic behavior. Or they might not. Whatever. If somebody wants to correct the way you speak and behave that person should not be a part of your life.

The "Narcissist" trap

The Social Justice Survival Guide

Calling somebody a narcissist when they act superior is very effective. How so? If you call somebody a narcissist and they respond calling you a narcissist, they are doing what a narcissist would do. If they deny it, they are still doing what a narcissist would do. Let's face it, an SJW is going to freak out if they are called a narcissist (consider they freak out about the word "too"). All you have to say is "like I said" or "Yep, see." You don't even have to fully engage with them at this point.

Turning the Tables

The Social Justice Survival Guide

I'd love to see the reaction on an SJWs face after this happens.

Scenario: An SJW berates you about being racist or sexist

You tell them, I feel bad.

The SJW says you should feel bad.

You tell them you have anxiety about being a bad person.

The SJW doesn't know how to respond

The SJW can claim you don't actually have anxiety in which case YOU can call them ignorant and insensitive. See how well this works. If they continue berating you feel free to call them prejudiced. They'll HATE that.


You may wonder why I care so much. Honestly, I didn't used to. I didn't used to care that much. I used to think it was all a big joke.

Here's three videos that disprove this comforting theory and show the real impact these SJWs have on people's lives. People are ostracized because of them. People are ridiculed, shamed, and humiliated because of them.

Recently a 16 year old girl committed suicide out of fear of being called racist.

Here's just a few examples of how social justice has negatively impacted people's lives

This may seem like one big joke, but it's really not. Social Justice Warriors won't rest until the world is catered to them. And they've already made big strides in this direction.

A massive campaign, backed by celebrities to ban a word

The push for a new law targeting "manspreading" in San francisco. Yep, that's right. Gender specific laws.

Harassing professors

-Banning certain speakers from speaking at colleges

-Racially segregated housing

-Safe spaces and trigger warnings implemented on many if not most campuses

-Fat acceptance courses which spew lies

-Gender studies

-Changing the way rape cases are handled- guilty until proven innocent

These changes are happening at alarming rates and could affect everyone's lives if SJWs aren't stopped.

And that's just scratching the surface.

SJWs want to exhile everyone who doesn't think like them. They want everyone who doesn't think like them to be banned from society.

it's time we do the same.

The Social Justice Survival Guide
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