Finding Inspiration In Your Pain

I wanted to write a really fun and uplifting Take to inspire you all. I thought about it for awhile and I probably could've faked it, but what's the point? I haven't had much inspiration this year. To be completely honest, this year has been pretty damn rough. From heartache to health issues to one the worst cases of writer's block I've ever experienced, and everything in between. With yesterday being 9/11 and today being the 9 year anniversary of my aunt passing away, I've just been thinking a lot about pain and how we deal.

Pain is something we have all felt, and can relate to. From physical to emotional, pain is no respector of persons. We all have our own ways of dealing with pain differently. Some of us cry. Some of us throw things. We listen too music. Or workout. Some of us try to sleep it off, and some of us even lash out. It's even worse when we can't pinpoint the source of the pain.

Finding Inspiration In Your Pain

What I think a lot of us forget is that behind all of the trails and tribulations, the obstacles, the storms, and the pain, there is strength. You may feel weak. You might feel like you're won't make it. Like you won't survive. But you're stronger than you think. You put one foot in front of the other and you keep pushing forward. There's purpose in your pain. There are lessons. There's a story to be told. So never feel like it's all for nothing. That is how I get through some of my tough times. I tell myself that after it passes, I'll be able to help someone else get through it. I'll be able to relate more to what others may be experiencing. Never underestimate how much sharing your experience with someone may help them. So many different programs have been birthed from people that were in a world of pain.

I encourage you all to keep your head up, no matter what you're going through. No matter how hard it seems. No matter how much it hurts. We're all fighting battles. The key is to keep fighting. Don't give up. Be inspired in knowing that it won't last forever. I apologize if this Take seems a bit all over the place, I kind of just let it flow this time around.


Finding Inspiration In Your Pain
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