Equality and Equity: Do You Know the Difference? Feminism and BLM

Equality and Equity: BLM, Feminism and should we be more tolerant?

I've discovered that on gag, most of the population are against the idea of feminism and right groups, such as black lives matter and gay rights etc.

Before I go into detail on the subject of equality and equity, this Take has nothing to do with my views on rights groups or any thing else of that matter. I just feel like people don't know the difference between those two key words which shaped our world today.

Before I start, I want to make a note of what the two words mean. A lot of people know the definition of equality, not many know the meaning of equity. I could explain, but it's easier to learn from this picture.

Equality and Equity: Do You Know the Difference? Feminism and BLM

Equity and equality are two strategies we can use in an effort to produce fairness. Equity is giving everyone what they need to be successful. Equality is treating everyone the same. Equality aims to promote fairness, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same help.

As you can see from the picture, equity does seem to make a lot more sense than equality. The more fortunate man, with his tall frame, doesn't need a box in order to see the game. However the smaller child seems to be missing half of it. So to sort out the problem, a work of equity takes place, and a box is passed to the child. And the end result is pretty perfect, everyone can see and all is equal.

This idea could take place in the real world too. For example, let's say you had £50. You had the option to give that £10 to a fellow Brit called Jake. He was on the British average salary, lived In a flat and was saving up for the iPhone 7. Or you could transfer that £50 to Thailand. Nan, a local farmer was working hard in the fields, collecting rice in the burning sun on a ten hour day. He was saving up for a new roof on his house, which collapsed in a thunderstorm. It seems obvious. Nan could do much more with that money opposed to Jake. But aren't they both human? Aren't they both eligible to the same rights?

Equality and Equity: Do You Know the Difference? Feminism and BLM

Well.. Let's look at a more controversial case. In South Africa, a black man complained that black people have less rights in the country than white South Africans, and were less fortunate in general. So this man got together with some people, and they want a march in favour of black rights. But then, as soon as the idea spread, many people believed that this wasn't right. That if their banner said 'we want white rights' or 'white power' it would instantly be racist and they would all be white supremacist. However, maybe people have forgotten the idea that 60% of white South African employers would prefer a white man working for them, opposed to a black man. That 200,000 black South Africans have been exploited by white South Africans and that they is a long, long history of black people being seen as inferior to white.

Of course, this isn't an opinion. It's facts. So why don't people give black South Africans that extra box of support?

Equality and Equity: Do You Know the Difference? Feminism and BLM

And here's a very controversial one. The dreaded word. Feminism. They was once a time when females really were mistreated. But does this still happen? Yeah. In Saudi Arabia, woman can't drive, show their hair or even go out without a man with them. If they commit adultery, they are stoned to death. In India, 92 woman get raped everyday. Facts. The things you can't argue with.
Of course, I'm these countries, it is seen as sexist.

Equality and Equity: Do You Know the Difference? Feminism and BLM

However, is it wrong and a form of sexism for western woman to claim they are still mistreated? In many people's opinions, yes. Even if an element of vintage values exist, in countries such as the uk, USA and Australia, they are places to report this and a petition is barely needed.

Equality and Equity: Do You Know the Difference? Feminism and BLM

So in conclusion, some forms of equity are obvious and important

Such as the Nan and Jake situation. Those with drastically lesser fortunes should be lifted up by those who are fortunate.

Some forms of equity are controversial, but slightly necessary

Such as black lives matter, gay rights and subjects which are still sensitive to our world.

Some forms of equity may not need to exist anymore in certain countries

Such as feminism

Equality won't work without equity and equity won't work without equality. The two definitions may work back to back but sure work together.

And finally, what do you feel needs to be uplifted a but higher than other problems?

Note: none of this states my opinion on both modern and historical issues. If you're going to be an ass, be an ass. But not to me. 😀😘

Equality and Equity: Do You Know the Difference? Feminism and BLM
Post Opinion