Hillary Clinton: A Corrupt, Anti-Woman, Anti-Black, Anti-Gay Politician

Let's set the record straight on how Hillary Clinton is corrupt, anti woman, anti gays, and anti blacks. Gather around to hear the straight facts about miss Hillary "I oppose everything I supported in the 90's."

Hillary Clinton on Blacks.

Here's what Hillary thinks about black youth and the justice system. "We need to bring black kids, super-predators without conscious, to heel."

Here's her supporting her husband's 1994 Crime Bill which began "mass Incarceration" that actually helped lower crime... and locked up a ton of blacks. Of course, she opposes police arresting people now because that's racism. And bad for votes.

Hillary on Rape Victims. In this case on a 12 year old rape victim.

"In 1975, Clinton served as the defense lawyer for Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old factory worker accused of raping Shelton after luring her to his car.

Taylor pleaded down to 'unlawful fondling of a minor' and served less than a year in prison after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic evidence that linked her client to the crime...

Shelton said Clinton accused her during the case of 'seeking out older men', and demanded that the 12-year-old undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination to determine whether she was 'mentally unstable'.


Oh, and Hillary on her husband's various rape accusers and such?


Keep in mind that Clintons paid out $850k settlement to Paula Jones for Bill's sexual assault/rape... does that sound like innocent people who wanted their name cleared?

Let's see... Senator Hillary Clinton on gay marriage?

And lastly let's talk about her private emails...kept private to hide corruption! While storing classified data in an unsecured manner, because who cares if China hacks your computer and people die?

FYI Bill Clinton pardoned a man for the exact same crimes Hillary was facing charges for. Violating rules on how to store classified information is very serious and can result in years in prison.

Let's talk about how they used hammers to take care of her phones that she used to send emails.


Let's talk about how the emails were so sensitive the Clinton people used bleachbit to wipe the servers to prevent the FBI from recovering deleted emails. Because who the hell can trust the FBI, right?


Let's talk about how Hillary is either such a moron, so brain damaged, or such a liar she claimed after her Secretary of State training she didn't know that "C" on emails meant "classified." Hell my brother is in the US military and knew he wasn't even allowed to take certain textbooks out of the classroom due to classified material lest he do prison time.


Keep in mind, Hillary is in perfectly fine health. Here's Washington Post on September 6 reminding us that only conspiracy wackjobs said Hillary had health problems.


Hillary Clinton: A Corrupt, Anti-Woman, Anti-Black, Anti-Gay Politician

Here's Hillary on 9/11, perfectly fine, just feeling overheated. And collapsing and being dragged into her van. I love how her feet drag on the ground there. But hey her doctor said she's in good health! Right?

Hillary went from "Only wackjobs say I have health problems" then collapsed on 9/11 and "was just overheated" to "wellll I have pneumonia"... What's next month? "Weell I have onset parkinsons but I am fine..."


There's your pro black, pro gay, pro woman candidate in her professional career, ladies and gents. Such a professional she didn't know what C meant on her emails after becoming Secretary of State (they probably expected her to learn it on the job and she had no training, right?) You want to talk about integrity? Reliability? There you go.

Hillary Clinton: A Corrupt, Anti-Woman, Anti-Black, Anti-Gay Politician
Post Opinion