I believe in it because I am told to believe in it.

I believe in it because I am told to believe in it.

The Human brain. 100% of us have one, only 5%,if even choose to use it.

Good Morning GAGers, its closing in on the end of 2016. And I decided to take one last swipe at the recent events of this year.

I believe in it because I am told to believe in it.

Yes folks.. Pizzagate.

Now why am I going here..

Because a certain article when there..


All told, 46 percent of Trump voters said they believe “Pizzagate” to be real, even though it didn’t begin from a reputable source and was instead birthed on message boards on sites like 4chan and Reddit before spreading on social media sites Twitter and Facebook, the New York Daily News reported.

Now, we were all told about Building a YUGE Wall, Repealing and Replacing Obamacare, Locking her up, and Draining the Swamp..

On all 4...

I believe in it because I am told to believe in it.

1. We are going to build a YUGE Wall..


2) We are going to Lock her Up...



3) We are going to Repeal and Replace Obamacare..

*cheer and hooting and hollering from the crowd*


And now.. We are going to drain the swamp....

*looks down*

Survey Says...

We believe everything we are told because we want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN...

Tell me something. Did you go shopping this Christmas? Was the malls packed? how long did it take you to find a parking space?


MALLS PACKED - Economy is up

People Working in the malls to help you get your Hatchimal - JOB GROWTH

Now tell me. Where does the economy sucks.. Oh... thats right.. Fox News tells you so...

Hey I got a bridge to sell you

I believe in it because I am told to believe in it.
0 Opinion