Can we all just shut the Hell up for a while?

OlderAndWiser u
Can we all just shut the Hell up for a while?

If any of you are not already aware of this, I am a conservative. I am a card-carrying, life long, Christian, previously-worked-for-the-Republican-party, death-penalty-supporting, conservative. I am proud of my views as I believe that my politics represents what is best for this country. I wish everyone else would agree with me so we could get on with the business of fixing this country.

However, I understand that my liberal friends also believe that their views represent what is best for this country. They sincerely hold their beliefs and I respect them, even though I think they are wrong. I have been dating my current girlfriend for 1 1/2 years, she is a staunch liberal, and she and I respect each other. It can happen!

As a conservative, I hear liberals - primarily younger liberals - become very acerbic in painting the distinctions between liberals and conservatives. They want to portray conservatives as genuinely bad people and liberals as worthy of praise and glory. Liberals all support such worthy and noble causes while conservatives are just a bunch of rich,white, selfish bastards. Somehow, liberals act as if this never ending liberal PR campaign will actually convince others to adopt liberal political views. After all, conservatives are just a bunch of hypocrites, right? (While liberals are quite adamant about opposing "slut shaming," they have no hesitation to engage in "conservative shaming." Neither group has an exclusive franchise on hypocrisy.)

A few of the labels that I hear liberals use to distinguish liberals and conservatives are "love" and "tolerance." The notions advanced by liberals are that they are motivated by love for their fellow humans, that they truly embody the Great Commandment to "Love Thy Neighbor." (And I know that many liberals would never express the concept in these precise terms, since "love thy neighbor" is a part of the Christianity for which many of them have disdain.)

Can we all just shut the Hell up for a while?

Liberals scoff at the idea of a conservative being compassionate and suggest - at least sub silentio - that conservatives are filled with hate instead of love. Similarly, liberals consider themselves as tolerant of others who are different from themselves while the also believe that "conservative" and "xenophobe" are practically synonymous.

I am writing because of my concern for the political tensions in the US which are so incredibly heightened. While many are bemoaning the divisiveness in this country, no one is actually doing anything about it. Instead, the morning after the election, one of my liberal Facebook "friends" wrote that anyone who voted for Trump was an "asshole." It is difficult to see that tactic leading any of us towards reconciliation.

Liberals, us conservatives are not stupid and calling us names like "asshole" and "dumb shits" accomplishes nothing. We are not filled with hate. I participate in volunteer activities and charitable endeavors for the benefit of others who need some assistance and many other conservatives do the same. When Portland Press Herald columnist Michael D. Harmon, an ardent supporter of Second Amendment rights, recently died as a result of the accidental discharge of his handgun, many liberals posted gleeful messages on Facebook and twitter. "Gun rights advocate killed in gun accident. Whoopsie," posted #TrumpIsATraitor on Twitter.

Can we all just shut the Hell up for a while?

Is this an example of the love and tolerance which you profess to hold in abundance?

Conservatives, you are not off the hook! Liberals are not stupid simply because they disagree with you. Many of them are very well educated and are true patriots in their zeal for this country. Most of them are not seeking "free stuff" for themselves. They abide by and accept the political process in this country and most liberals are not exemplified by the likes of Michael Moore and Al Franken. If you want liberals to turn it down a notch, you need to set the example and do the same thing towards them.

If you are still under age 18, it is understandable that you might still talk like a child. But, if you are over the age of 18 . . . let's all act like grownups!

P.S. If you want to reply to point out that conservatives also do some hypocritical things . . . I already know that. The point is not to build lists of complaints which we can use to criticize each other. The point is to say "can't we mutually exist without constantly bashing each other?"

Can we all just shut the Hell up for a while?
37 Opinion