Introvert Survival Techniques

Introvert Survival Techniques

Extroverts tend to be very challenged by the thought that someone could be an introvert. Our whole lives its been hammered into our brains that survival is a social thing. Of course in order to meet friends, date, network, party, we must all socialize to some degree, but the misunderstandings tend to come into play in the erroneous belief that an introvert cannot do those things or does not want to do those things. Life as it turns out, can be done in several ways. There is no one correct way to socialize or party or network or date that applies to or works for everyone. If there were just one way of doing things, than literally everyone would be successful and that one way would be written in as fact, but it's not and never will be, because people just operate differently from one another and introvert and extrovert alike must learn through the course of their lives, what works for them and what doesn't.

Introvert Survival Techniques

Back to the introverts then. Introverts like people, but they like them in smaller doses. They generally prefer it if they weren't in the spotlight or the life of the party, but observing it or hanging with just a couple people throughout the night. An introvert might go to a party or an event and stay for just a little while before needing to retire for the evening. An introvert may like entertaining, but not for big groups or in front of large crowds. A small coffee shop or walk in the park with a date tends to be better than a concert or a game in a stadium full of people.

Here are some tips for helping you as an introvert, survive the social scene.

Introvert Survival Techniques

1. Before and After Quiet Time

Before you need to go to a big event, party, or work thing, take some quiet time out before it begins where it's just you and some nice music or relax with a good book or just close your eyes for a minute to get your head in the game. Afterwards, make sure you have scheduled in what will be some much needed downtime after having to deal with so many people all at once which can be completely draining.

Introvert Survival Techniques

2. Know Your Emergency Exits

If you know an event is going to be a long one that you aren't required to stay for, have a plan of escape; know where the emergency exits are so to speak. Typically I'll let a host know that I have early morning plans the next day, so I'll be staying for about an hour or two, and then I'm off. It can bring you a bit of piece of mind knowing that you can still have a bit of fun, but it won't be too long to the point where it isn't anymore.

Introvert Survival Techniques

3. Don't flake on everything

As much as introverts love peace and quiet and small parties and such, sometimes you do need to bite the bullet and show up and show out when it counts. Don't flake on everything. A mom's birthday, your brothers graduation party, an extremely important work event that may help your career, being a groomsmen in your best friends wedding, a party your best friend has been begging you for months to attend. Some times you really do need to suck it up for the benefit of others. Think of it this way, your extrovert friends don't necessarily enjoy your small gatherings in the same way you don't really like large ones, but both should cross over from time to time to support and hang out with each other anyway.

Introvert Survival Techniques

4. Take in some air

If you're in a big crowd and it's starting to get to you, you can take a break, full stop. Go to the bathroom and just sit for a minute, step outside and walk the grounds, offer to go to the store to pick up more ice, pull someone aside and just go for a quiet walk around for a chat. This can help give you a bit more energy to endure the rest of the night.

Introvert Survival Techniques

5. Be strategic

If you are going to an event, rather than try to do what extroverts do which is hit up the crowd, talk to and dance with everyone, or at the work event they hit up everyone in the room and hand out their card and ply them with work talk, be more strategic with your approach. Like air, your energy for this kind of stuff is not going to last long when you're suffocating so make sure you spend it where it counts. Make a bee line for the host, the cute guy or girl, the artist you really want to see, etc. and give them your full attention. Get out on the dance floor and dance for a little bit and try to enjoy the time, and then you can go wall sit a bit later when the masses are taking over. Make sure you are of course seen with the right few people if it's a career thing. Spend your time on the person(s) who's going to help your career the most.

Introvert Survival Techniques
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