Why simple words aren't equal to more precise words like Abscond.

Why simple words aren't equal to more precise words like Abscond.

life is complicated and so are motivations. But language is ambiguous when you aren't as precise as possible things get misinterpreted.

Lots of Americans hate any "SAT" word or word that comes from reading a news paper. But there's a reason we have such diversity and synonyms. They do carry weight and meaning.

Of i I hear a word I'm not quite familiar with I look it up to better understand the intention. Maybe I've heard the word before but I'm just not solid on how it was intended so looking it up gives me better understanding moving forward in general.

Bad, horrible, atrocious, deplorable, deranged, terrible..... the list goes on. Each word has a nuance.

Vivré le nuance

Why simple words aren't equal to more precise words like Abscond.
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