#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics


With those severally incidents in Hollywood, a lot of third wave feminists have been using those incidents as ammunition to continue to attack males and masculinity. In this take, I’ll be talking about how it still negatively impacts men and masculinity.

By the way, I’m not defending Harvey Weinstein.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

1.) Using one specific incident to attach labels

The misandrists/gynocentrists like to take a certain real life example and attach negative labels on males and masculinity. They make it a “males vs females” issue.

2.) Anti male agenda in the entertainment industry

Even though it’s subtle, mainstream entertainment industries continue to shame men and masculinity. Movies like “ghostbusters” and “Wondewoman” are said to have been politically motivated considering how ghostbusters featured a feminist cast and Wonderwoman had a “female only” screening.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

3.) Males are slowly starting to speak out

It’s easy for the misandrists/gynocentrists to say that “misandry is not real” when a lot of males are afraid to speak out due to fear of backlash. However, males are starting to speak out on misandry and gynocentrism, specifically William Shatner. https://www.google.com/amp/s/paleofuture.gizmodo.com/william-shatner-attacks-snowflakes-social-justice-warr-1797386393/amp

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

4.) Men can be victims of sexual assault

It’s pathetic how a lot of gynocentrists want to believe that men can’t be victims of sex crimes. Whenever a man gets sexually assaulted by a female all the SJWs say “he must have enjoyed it”. Or if it’s a female high school teacher arrested for sex with one of her male students, all the SJW males say “Where were these teachers when I was in high school”. It’s absolutely appalling how people assume women can’t sexually assault men. Women can sexually assault men by drugging them, by ganging up on a man, by threatening him of by using prowess to subdue him. A woman can still inappropriately touch a man without a man’s consent, that’s sexual assault. A woman might use a strap on to “peg” a man without his consent. Men can also sexually assault other men, it happens to a lot of men in prison, parties and in many places where the victim can’t call for help.

People who assume men “enjoy” getting raped have no idea how the male body works. A man can involuntarily get a erection, a man can involuntarily orgasm, a man can orgasm out of fear. A man can get a painful erection after orgasm which can result in painful sexual activity for the man.

The other problem is how male sexual assault victims are never taken seriously. They get laughed at and the people who wronged the man get a light punishment. Even though I’ve never been a victim of any kind of sexual assault or rape, I still understand what male victims go through. https://www.google.com/amp/www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/men-who-were-sexually-assaulted-10271205.amp

Even some people who “care” about men only briefly talk about male victims of sexual assault, because they feel pressure to talk about it, not because they care. Immediately after they briefly talk about male victims of sexual assault, they go back to making sexual assault a gender specific issue.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

5.) Shaming masculinity

The one way gynocentrists/misandrists like to attack males is by attacking masculinity itself. They desperately try to convince people that masculinity is some kind of “disease”.They try to force men to abandon traditional masculine traits for more androgynous/feminine traits. They constantly promote effeminacy for men. They do this to bring men down a level, they’re trying to weaken the human male. If a man wants to stay masculine, let him stay masculine don’t force him to be feminine.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying there is anything wrong with feminine or androgynous men, what I’m saying that men shouldn’t be pressured or forced to abandon masculinity. The picture below is not meant to offend anyone, it’s just a comparison between men back then and some men today.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

6.) Men are starting to distance themselves from women

One reason why MGTOW exists is because men are starting to fear women. They are afraid that women will call a them creeps and accuse them of “sexual harassment” just for saying “hello”. False accusations against men are taken way more seriously than when a man comes forward to report something that was done to him.

I’m not mgtow by the way

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

7.) Each race of males have different negative stereotypes

No matter what race you are, if you are a male then there is some kind of stereotype attached to you. Asians males are stereotyped as having small packages, incorrectly labeled as misogynists, being “feminine”. These only apply to certain individuals not all of them. White males are stereotyped as being racist, abusive husbands and fathers. Black males are stereotyped as being dead beats, thugs and ignorant. Hispanic males are stereotyped as being pot heads and violent criminals. However, most of the hate nowadays is directed towards Asian and White males. The SJWs like to label both of them as “privileged”, you’ll often see how far left dominated movie industries show Asian males are stereotypically depicted as “tender” , speaking broken English and are rarely the protagonist. While many white males are depicted as being clumsy, racist and abusive fathers. However, there is still some good news and it’s that finally a Asian male actor(Jackie Chan) gets to play the non stereotypical Asian male protagonist in the movie called “The foreigner”. While white males are still able to get non stereotypical roles due to being the majority.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

8.) Male bashing

Whether it be on TV, a movie, a ad, social media, in public and certain far left wing/SJW websites, men are often blamed whenever something goes wrong. Men are shamed in order to “empower” women. Men who speak up for themselves get labeled “misogynists” “homophobes” “nazis” just because those men are tired of the misandry and being scapegoated. International men’s day is on international toilet day for crying out loud.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

9.) Heterophobia

Despite people claiming it’s not real, it’s real although it’s usually subtle. Straight men are the primary victims of this, a straight man gets called a creep or pervert just for checking out a woman, while women can check out men or women without any repercussions. But if a straight man resists the temptation to check out a woman he is assumed to be “gay”.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

10.) White Knights

These men either don’t know better, they want some kind of “reward” and or they simply hate their own sex. I don’t mean to offend anyone but I don’t think highly of white knights. A lot of them like acting high and mighty behind a computer screen or always attack a lone male in groups. White knights also like to defend a woman even if she’s wrong. This

11.) Everything is male vs female

People just love stirring the pot by making everything a competition between males and females. Whether it be politics, sports, science, entertainment etc, it’s always men vs women. For example, a woman manages to lift more than her body weight and all the people say “Girl power!” A woman invents something and people say “girl power!” and the list goes on and on, every accomplishment a woman makes is followed by a “girl Power!” Shout. This kind of stuff simply divides males and females, instead of working together men and women feel the urge to compete against each other. I don’t need to remind you that men and women belong to the same species.

#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics

12.) Biology not society

I don’t get how people like to politicize the science behind biological differences between men and women. Aside from chromosomal differences there are also 2,500 genetic differences. Also, men and women start off in a gender neutral state not as a “proto-female”. In fact a very recent discovery is challenging the “all humans start as female” belief.https://www.sciencenews.org/article/embryos-kill-male-tissue-become-female

I don’t believe men and women should be trying to “one up” each other, it’s pointless and will lead to more bitter feelings between both men and women. If society is to improve, then Men and women need to put their differences aside and work together for a better future. Men already helped women get fair treatment here in first world countries, now it’s women’s turn to help men overcome misandry just like how these young females stood up for their male peers.


#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics
#MenToo, the Neglect of Men and How Males and Females Continue to Get Divided by Gender Politics
49 Opinion