The Many Accomplishments of Donald Trump

We all remember the many promises he made during his campaign. He preyed on people's prejudices, fears, ad insecurities. The very worst parts of society came out in droves to vote for him. And although he lost the election by three million votes, the Electoral College places this sick and twisted individual in the Oval Office.

Now he's been in office for a little while. Long enough for America to have had a sampling of what he can do. So let's take a little look at the promises he's kept. Or not...

The Many Accomplishments of Donald Trump

The wall. Remember the wall?

That's the one that Mexico was going to pay for. Well, so far, Mexico hasn't offered a dime in remuneration for that wall. But then, did anyone really expect Mexico to pay for the wall? Really? So let's forget about that part of the deal. Let's look at the wall itself. It was going to be a big wall. The biggest wall. A beautiful wall. So big. Remember how he went on and on about it? It was going to be so tall, so thick, it was going to be impregnable. But it turns out the billions of dollars we were told would be going to this grand wall is actually going to what is little more than a fence. It was supposed to be solid, unyielding. What we are getting it something a skinny enough kid could probably squeeze through. And even if he had built the wall he promised, it would already have tunnels under it anyway. So much for the wall.

Repeal and replace Obamacare.

That was the real big one. That was the one that had right-wingers dancing in the streets. (Funny how right-wingers don't seem to think they'll ever need healthcare.) They were rabid about it. And Trump catered to that hate. In fact, he promised to get rid of the hated Obamacare on his very first day in office. And yet, it's still there. He hasn't been able to do what he said he would do. He hasn't repealed Obamacare. Certainly, he hasn't replaced it. He wouldn't know where to start. he famously wined on TV that "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated." Well, the rest of the civilized world has figured it out. Healthcare is considered a basic human right in so many countries. But not here. Here it's too complicated.

Ban the Muslims!

That was another big one. Just like Hitler, Trump has chosen a fairly small portion of our society and blamed all our problems on them. Fortunately, he hasn't been as successful in implementation as Hitler was. So far he's been unable to ban Muslims from the USA. And considering that white Christians have killed far more people in this country over the last half decade than Muslims have, maybe Trump should ban white Christians.

Lower taxes.

That was one we could all get behind. We all like to hear those magic words. "Lower taxes." No two more beautiful words in the English language. So, where are we on that one? Well, our new tax plan is finally being rolled out. And it's really beautiful. Well, it's really beautiful if you're wealthy. If you are a member of the middle class, it's a pretty ugly mess. The new tax plan is set to rape the middle class once again. On the surface it appears to lower some taxes. But there are tons of hidden clauses, little loopholes, that enable the wealthy to escape taxes almost completely while tossing the entire debt of the nation onto the middle class. Again.

The truth is, the Orange Pretender hasn't kept any of his promises. He's managed to alienate several of our world allies while cozying up to some of our enemies. He's playing a deadly nuclear game with North Korea which neither side will win: one side may lose more than the other but no one wins the nuclear game. He makes a fool of himself daily with his Twitter account. He's surrounded himself with the most despicable people imaginable. The man is a disgrace. He is the shame of our nation. He has accomplished nothing. He is, by far, the worst president this nation has ever had.

The Many Accomplishments of Donald Trump
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