Every Man in the End Secretly Desires to be a Warrior

Every Man in the End Secretly Desires to be a Warrior

Today's society doesn't really have a place for war or violence, people aren't killing each other. Such actions and behavior are considered lawlessness and savage-like. But does that mean the aspirations of a man are different than the warriors in ancient periods? Men in today's time's still aspire to have the same principles warriors had thousands of years ago.

Might is Right

It doesn't matter if it's a period where men commonly fight, or if they are earning money and paying others. Those who have the power will always be seen as the leaders. In ancient periods before currency became the norm for every society. The warriors who were the best fighters were responsible for how others in their tribes lived. They had the judgement of who lived well and who had just enough. Not much has changed in today's society. Those who have employees have the power to determine how well they live by how much they pay them. These men are considered the leaders of their tribes and communities. Others have to prove their worth to these men.

Honor Matters

Just like warriors of the old ages, just because one achieves success in their life. It does not mean they will be respected by their tribe. They have to earn their title with honor. In modern society, we follow the same tradition. People will not truly respect a wealthy individual if they have earned their wealth through nefarious means. The people will always respect the man who earned his wealth by helping the community or providing a valuable commodity. This is the norm that represents the ideals of the majority.

Loyalty is Rewarded

Men will often form bonds with other men in order to prosper and defend against threats. Every group of men will have their own codes and morals. This is found in the old society and the new society. Once you form a alliance with other men. You will be rewarded for staying loyal to them. They will expect you to reward them for their loyalty too. Instead of alliances for war, people form alliances today for earning income by selling services, entertainment and products.

Every Man in the End Secretly Desires to be a Warrior
Every Man in the End Secretly Desires to be a Warrior
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