To the World Defined by Fear!

To the World Defined by Fear!

I want to get something off my chest and i'm sure no one will want to hear it. I am one of many/few people that enter the world and grow up almost dying more time then i can count before i even hit 18. That said i am hoping it will shape your imagine of the rest of what i am about to say as fear is nullified in my being.

What is Fear?


an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
"drivers are threatening to quit their jobs in fear after a cabby's murder"
terror, fright, fearfulness, horror, alarm, panic, agitation, trepidation, dread, consternation, dismay, distress

To the World Defined by Fear!

Why do we have Fear?

Fear is as it states simply a construct of your own making and is defined by what you "fear". To fear something you would have to have some knowledge of said object in any fashion whether it be visual verbal or emotional. Like a monster you have never seen looking at you with the intent to kill can strike fear. The human body has two natural responses to such a situation such as the sympathetic nervous systems physiological response of either Flight or Fight. That said, what if fear wasn't present in this situation when approached by this object? Would there be curiosity, caution, empathy?

When you lack fear of a given thing then you are free to do as you like otherwise though the situations circumstances do not change from being a deadly one, hence why we have fear.

What's your point?

Those who don't experience a lack of fear in almost any given deadly situation will never understand that of someone who can look indifferent in the face of death and maybe even give a side winding grin as if their challenging death as he stands at their doorstep.

To the World Defined by Fear!

Why would that matter?

Because those who truly can negate or be void of fear in most if not all given situations are highly misunderstood and considered to be reckless idiots by default. I've studied plenty of people and interviewed more that are of the same flock as me. Per say, those who ride motorcycles and can weave traffic obviously piss people off and freak them out. There are many factors that could bring this reaction, one would be the fear of seeing the rider crash and die directly in front of you.

I personally consider this weakness because you should walk out the front door every morning with the understanding anything can happen including death regardless of who's it may be. As far as the other two go an after work commute can be rather stressful on anyone having many more thing to do at home not to mention sitting in hours of traffic is the bane of their existence at the given moment. When a motorcyclist rides in between your car you could think many things like "Don't hit my car!", "Fuck you!", "Reckless idiot!" and so on. The motorcyclist ads impending stress to your commute that you can't deal with and usually either "flight or fight" thus why some people drive their car directly in the line of movement the biker is riding in to thwart the rider from progressing further. (I do say i hate people like this because you're acting like a child who doesn't get his way. Unless the rider is really being a danger to everyone else then you would only be endangering everyone near impact and likely killing or seriously injuring the rider).

Now to break down what makes the flight or fight reasonable is fear of incoming danger and reciprocation, the aggressive response is due to the fact the driver has to sit there and the motorcyclist can fly by him and hold a more "You shouldn't be able to do what i can't!" (Personally, grow the fuck up. If you don't have the balls to get on a bike and make your commute with that then sit and deal with the car you have. Your choice not mine, i shouldn't have to deal with the attitude derived by your life choices infringing on your current needs.)

Now, there are always drivers who lack the fear concept of a biker and simply ensure they pay more attention to avoid an issue. This is usually due to the fact of consistent exposure or resilience to the given situation. (I do want to add that the rider may be a danger due to reckless behavior or in experience in which you should ensure to defuse the situation in a calm and concise manner as a bike can easily go through a windshield if it goes airborne. It is also legal to ride in between or share lanes with cars "lane splitting" in given states so there is no argument there.) Now that we have an example of how fear can have given implications on a situation let's proceed.

To the World Defined by Fear!

Why a lack of fear induces fear in me?

Yes, you heard that correctly. A lack of fear in one person can have adverse effects in another person. The most common one being concern as family or loved ones worry. When i can't help that i don't see fear the same way others do it is annoying and sometimes stressful or infringing for me to be burdened with the worries of other around me. One thing you all need to realize is that without risk there is no reward.

The greater the risk often the greater the reward. I have endured many risk and my life is far from conserved thus i lack the fear most people would have as i have done many things to triumph my own adverse emotions and earned the trophy of adversity i mantle with pride. We all have adversity but who truly throws themselves to the wolf's for the possible prosperous bounty to be yield? You'll be a sheep all your life if you never face the wolves who prey on you day and night. That said, when a wolf (Lack of fear) approaches a sheep (Fear) in the given situation it's going to respond much differently than a wolf would.

Those who lack fear without a medical condition have had more adversity and grim circumstances then you could ever imagine and i promise your concern or imput may look to be shrugged off by them but it hinders them from taking a leap due to the thought of letting down loved ones. It is hard to overcome the concept of fear of fear holding you back from proceeding due to your own empathy. One thing i have learned is that to truly get anywhere in life you have to be willing to shed who you are and anything you have or love to become something different tomorrow. In conclusion you fear those who lack fear because they are like an unknown entity and you feel helpless in front of them because if they tread the path less taken by you have no way of doing so yourself.

Let's have some examples shall we?

There are people made fun of every day and like it or not they have exceeded that of you in every conceivable way though you see it as a laughing matter when they have everything you don't because they did what you wouldn't. Now before some political person loses his shit about the example i am about to use chill your shit and take a second outlook before i have to shut your shit down. Trump, yes Donald J Trump is an example of a lack of fear or hell even regard in some situations. Think about it, how many people publicly laugh and mock him? Does he ever care what people think when he says what he says? Hillary did, she even made a great effort to ensure we heard what we wanted to hear. Last I checked trump won.

Now, I don't like either candidate though the facts are as simplistic as it gets. You can hate him with every fiber of your being and say whatever you want as many before you have already done though i doubt it will phase him. Why? Because your opinion means nothing because he has done what you have not done or will not do. I don't see any American that mocked trump or hillary for their decisions or choices ever making a genuine effort to become the president so they can make their own decisions right? So, considering he shoulders you're mocking and continues to ensure the security of the American bloodline i would say he lack the fear or even care for those who see him as inferior.

To the World Defined by Fear!

Where the fuck are you going with this?

I'll gladly explain, i am deeply perturbed when i am confronted with someone who wants me to be content. I like to soar and do the things others won't because it's a story untold that no one will ever read because it's my life. There is no story if i'm always afraid to write it and i can't expect anyone else to do it for me. If you fear the world then stay out of the way of those who don't. At work, if you can't do the job then get the cower so i can step over you and do what you won't. People want things with their lives and fear won't stop them i can attest to that and i see all the people around me telling the kids or young adults to "take it slow", "you only live once don't fuck it up", "i don't want you to get hurt". Being hurt and failing is what it takes to succeed, every failed attempt or pain you take is gain towards that next victory.

I've tested my theory myself of how the world looks at those who work harder and are always willing to fail no matter how many times it happens or how often so they can win in life. I started simple, i went ice skating and was determined to be gliding and making advanced moves at a average level before i left. I fell more times than i can count and i didn't take a break without being told i have to get off the ice because success waits for no one and the ice rink isn't open all night too. Within an hour i could glide properly and learned to slow myself easily. Within the next half hour i learned to make a harp turn by cutting into the ice deep with one foot as i elongated it and steadied it with my other foot and the let the deep carve i made in the ice act as my track and slightly turned my foot as it launched me back where i came from in a split second.

In another hour i was moving as fact as the experienced skaters and i followed one and studied his footing and i was mimicking his footwork within the hour. I was skating on a much higher level then when i entered because i was willing to eat the ice every time i moved my foot and i started enjoying falling because it happened much less and people went from laughing and judging my inability to staring at me with either amazement or jealousy at the fact i was skating on a level they had yet to even come close to as they were still scooting along and holding the wall. Next, i decided i would join an ice hockey league because i mean pfft, obviously i'm a pro by now right? No, i wasn't nor was i ready for getting smashed into the wall.

That didn't matter though because i wasn't required to be ready i was simply required to be on the same par as the other so that's just what i did. Within a week i was as good as the worst player and sure laugh at me. For someone who had never ice skated going to skate for one day and signing up for a league the same day and starting that weekend to now being as good as a player who has played for years is something i don't see others doing. I'm not athletically inclined by genetics though i don't see how that matters because i was determined to prove a point. I went from the laughing stock of the team to a well hailed player in a years time in which i decided to adopt a second full time job and left the team. I played with players who have played all their lives and was equally on par if not better then most.

I didn't bitch out because of some people who wouldn't do what i do. (I went back to skate for a day with my little brother two months ago and i saw the same woman that was laughing at me last year. She was astounded to see me skate the way i did and was speechless. I even ended up going on a few dates with her and she is a wonderful person though she is always worried about what others think. We are currently rather happy living together though i haven't sealed the deal just yet. This is to say that a lack of fear isn't repulsive if you're willing to take chances when they are presented. I was purposely very spontaneous with her to see how she would react and it took time but she fell hard and loved it when i showed up randomly once and left a note at her door telling her to take the motorcycle around the corner to work today. Confused is the simplest way of putting it but being willing to take risks and do things you would never otherwise do defines you as a person.)

That said, don't allow those who tell you it can't be done or anything in the same regard to determine shit for you. I don't care if it's your own mom saying you can't ever become a lawyer because if you want to then fucken do it. Like i said, you have to be willing to change who you are at any moment in time to become something different without the slightest hesitation. If you can't do that then don't hold others back who are trying or willing.

To the World Defined by Fear!

I say the world is defined by fear because it is. We fear so much we hold ourselves back and i see people die every day who have done nothing with their lives and it pisses me off. You can say it was their choice and i would tell you to go fuck yourself. Because i guarantee you they had an opportunity they missed due to a situation of fear or outside influence that they brought to their grave with them.

If you want to define yourself and know what it's like to not fear, then take a walk in a graveyard and spend hours there. Read every name and know every story that was written because they never achieved their dreams. Every person has their own dream to follow.

Don't be another unwritten story my friend. There's an open mic somewhere waiting for you to scream your story to the world...

To the World Defined by Fear!

***On a side note, i do realized i said a lack of fear. Let me redefine my intended meaning when expressing this. What i intended to imply was the control or mastery of your fear as opposed to a complete lack of it. Fear will always be there, you simply have to understand it to a degree in which it will seem meaningless. Fear is an important component of the survival of a human though most allow it to hold them back a opposed to its intended reasoning.

To the World Defined by Fear!
2 Opinion