3 of the Greatest Inventions Ever!


In my opinion, the three most important inventions are the telephone, solar panels and vaccines. They all save lives and are important to the human race. Telephones are probably the least important invention of the three, but if you need help you can call 911 or just call your parents. Solar panels help us conserve energy and they also serve as a nice shade. Vaccines support good health by blocking or preventing viruses. As you can see these are great inventions to use in different kinds of emergencies.


3 of the Greatest Inventions Ever!

The telephone is a big part of modern people’s social lives. It helps people communicate with each other, not only socially, but also in emergencies. The original telephone was created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. It was upgraded to what we have today: a phone with water-proof technology, texting capability, fun games and more. Without the telephone invention, the people of the world would be far less connected. Phones have become something that even kids have in 5-6th grade. This invention truly made a big impact on the world.

Solar Panels

3 of the Greatest Inventions Ever!

Solar panels are important because they help us save energy. We need to save energy because it’s one of the things that people can’t make without harming the natural resources we have. Even with their high prices, they have made a big impact on our society’s energy earnings. They are such an important resource that we will soon be installing them in many more locations. It’s important to save our natural resources because we need them to produce more important things, such as oxygen.


3 of the Greatest Inventions Ever!

Finally, vaccines are important because they save lives. Vaccines are a kind of medicine that helps prevent illnesses from viruses, such as measles, chicken pox and small pox, which are very serious diseases. Vaccines are important because they keep people from sickness and even death. Health is more important than solar power and solar power is more important than sociality. Vaccines are so important that the whole human race could die without them!

These three inventions make a very big impact on humans’ lives. They save lives, conserve important resources, and promote social lives. It’s incredible how inventions have impacted the world. Without these things how would we live?

What do you think?

3 of the Greatest Inventions Ever!
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