10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives



Following social media and watching the news, it seems like almost the entire world follows a Liberal ideology. Conservatives seem to have become a minority, and the ideology has become so stigmatized, that pretty much anything a Conservative says is immediately labeled as hate speech (like my MyTakes). They are seen as bigots simply for stating facts, and supporting things such as traditional marriage, right to bear arms, pro-life, and enforcement of immigration laws. Being Conservative today is what being gay was 50 years ago, you have to stay in the closet or your life will be destroyed. Conservatives are treated as something abnormal, and there is a strong notion that anyone who doesn't follow Liberal ideology, should rot in hell.

Thankfully however, not EVERYONE has gone crazy!

Here are 10 places where Conservative ideology is still strong. For the sake of preserving "true" Conservative values, I've left out "Conservatives" who condone murder and violence."

And also, to the Liberals who will try to use this to support their libelous claims of Conservatives, not ALL Conservatives are the same. Conservatives are different from region to region, and I am simply writing an unbiased post on Conservatives around the world. Keep that in mind.

1. THE American SOUTH

10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

This is probably the most obvious one, so why not start with it? Throughout the world, the American South has become synonymous with Conservative ideology, most famously the great state of Texas. Despite this however, the South is NOT the most Conservative region in the U.S. (we will discuss this a bit later). Although in some states, like Florida, the political divide is almost 50/50, the South is still very Conservative. In the most recent U.S. election, every southern state, with the exception of Virginia, went to Donald Trump. Despite Southern states being among the poorest in country, Southerners continue to elect strong Conservative leaders who will preserve their values of free speech, pro-life, traditional marriage, and their favorite, the right to bear arms. All that being said, I will not hide the fact that some Southerners are a little too Conservative, supporting extreme things such as racist and homophobic ideology and assault rifle ownership. In fact racism and the KKK is still largely prevalent in Arkansas and many backs and homosexuals still feel discriminated against in parts of the South. However, the majority of Southern Conservatives are simply hard working Americans, who like hunting and are tolerant and welcoming of people of all backgrounds. Kind folks who are simply trying to protect their Constitutional rights, preserve their Christian values, enforce legally enacted immigration laws, believe that Americans should come first, and can take a good racist joke.

2. THE American MIDWEST

10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

This one comes in second to the South in terms of Conservative areas in the U.S. Due to a low minority population (who tend to vote Democrat), percentage-wise, the Midwest actually has a higher rate of Conservatives then the South, with only Minnesota and Illinois having voted against Trump in the last election. In fact, Wyoming, despite it's low population, is actually the most Conservative state in the country, percentage-wise. Montana also ranks up there, although it is considered more Libertarian, and more Mountain then Midwestern. These are mostly blue collar farmers, who are quite friendly and tolerant, and simply want to live a peaceful life in the countryside. But just like the South, Midwesterners maintain a lot of the same values such as traditional marriage, border protection, and love for guns and hunting, and a good racist joke.


10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

Utah is another U.S. state which holds strong Conservative values. This is mainly due to the state's incredibly large Mormon population, who being a Christian denomination, strongly support things like traditional marriage and pro-life. The majority of Mormons also tend to lean right on issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and health care. Many Mormons also enlist in the military, after completing their mandatory mission. To show just how Conservative Utah is, Utah native and devout Mormon Conservative Mitt Romney, won the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination, only to lose the election to sitting Democrat, Barack Obama. The majority of Mormons also voted for Trump in the recent election. Although it can be quite annoying constantly being told not to swear, you can always count on Utah's Mormons to save our babies and defend our borders.


10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

This one might surprise you, as you're thinking, "But the peace loving Rastafarians love EVERYONE, except corrupt police and politicians." YES, that is true! However, Rastas actually only make up a small percentage of the Caribbean population. The majority of islanders are Christians, and actually quite Conservative. They too frown upon homosexuality, and in Jamaica, locals go as far as to physically assault and kill gay people. Thankfully however, most of the other islands are much less radical, and although homosexuals do face social stigma, they usually do not experience any sort of hate crimes. To show just how Conservative they are, Jamaica and Barbados helped the U.S. overthrow the Socialist Government of Grenada in 1983. Many islanders to this day are still grateful to the U.S. In addition, many islanders maintain strong Libertarian ideology, when it comes to privacy and property rights. Don't take my picture without permission, and the government isn't gonna tell me what to build on MY land, and how fast I have to build it. Caribbean fashion is also very conservative, maintaining a strict form of modesty. Despite the warm tropical weather, Caribbean men rarely wear shorts, except at the beach, and local women rarely even wear bikinis. In fact, the only time they really show any skin, is once a year during Carnival, and even some locals aren't pleased about THAT. Just ask Rihanna. Every other time of the year, you'll be fortunate to see more then their face, arms and feet.


10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

I know what you're thinking, Latinos can't possibly be Conservative, right? Well....wrong. Although the majority of Latinos think American immigration laws are strict, the truth is, border enforcement in Latin America is even stricter (except when massive caravans of Central American migrants are heading to the U.S.) Latinos too maintain a strong mentality of homogeneity and cultural preservation. Mexico for instance banned face veils, and in Peru there is a lot of anti-Chinese sentiment. Also, despite the fact that a lot of Latinos elect Left-wing politicians, the region's strong Catholic tradition means a lot of their views lean more towards what in America would be considered "the Right". Despite legalization in some cities, same sex marriage is still largely frowned upon in Latin America. The region also has some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the world. In some countries, women can face up to 25 years in prison, and in El Salvador, women who've had miscarriages have been accused of having abortions, and sentenced for up to 40 years. However, it's not all bad. In Peru for instance, despite being jailed for corruption and controversy surrounding sterilization of indigenous women, former Conservative president, Alberto Fujimori is still praised for his strong economic policies, and eradication of the Shining Path and Tupac Amaru terrorist movements. Unfortunately, as in many conservative cultures, racial superiority is still something that's prevalent in Latin America, and many Indians and Mestizos are still treated as second class citizens. And sadly, sexism and machismo is also something that has become prevalent in Latin American Conservatism.

6. EASTERN Europe

10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

Unlike Western and Northern Europe, which have tragically succumbed to P.C. culture and Liberal indoctrination, the former Communist block of Central and Eastern Europe, still maintain strong Conservative values. Ironic, considering they were once Communist. With their strong Christian principles, traditional marriage values, anti-abortion laws, and more recently, strong anti-immigration laws, Eastern Europe is one of the last true Conservative strongholds on earth. The region has long had a strong Conservative and Nationalist ideology, which has become even stronger in recent years. And unlike in some places, here, they actually elect Conservative politicians. Slovakia went as far as to ban the Muslim religion outright, and Poland, Hungary and Czechia were sanctioned by the E.U. for refusing to take Middle Eastern refugees into their countries. Russia and Ukraine have been scrutinized by the West for their strong anti-gay and anti-immigration laws. Sadly, as is often the case, there are always a handful of radicals who have to resort to hate crimes against innocent people, to get their message across. However, the majority of Eastern Europeans are simply trying to preserve their culture, and protect their people, through speech and peaceful protest. With the increase of terrorist attacks and sexual assaults, brought to Eastern Europe by Middle Eastern migrants, you can't blame them for wanting to keep these people out. They are only doing what any sensible person would do.


10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

This is one of the last countries on earth, where the majority of the population, most importantly females, still hold strong Conservative values. If you don't believe me, just read the posts from Turkish GAGGERS. In Turkey, they are officially known as the Nationalists, and their estimates reach as high as 80%. Turkish Nationalists are some of my favorite. Although they are often stigmatized for their so called "anti-Western views", they do not condone the destruction of Western civilization. They are simply opposed to views which they view as Western constructs, which they consider detrimental to a functioning society, such as homosexuality and multi-culturalism. In general, Turkish people are very hospitable, and welcome visitors with open arms, as long as you are not there to preach your Western philosophy. They are also strongly opposed to refugees, economic migrants, and anyone who they view as a potential terror threat, or danger to Turkish values. Really, they're not bad people. They are extremely proud of their heritage, and are just doing what any normal society would do, preserving their culture. Although the Turkish readers won't be happy to hear this, it is also important to note, that Turks are more Conservative in the Western sense then in the Islamic sense. Most Turkish women are largely secular, and don't even cover their hair. Alcohol consumption is also part of Turkish custom. Although their current president, who isn't a nationalist, is trying to change this.


10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

This is another country that's largely conservative. This one falls more in line with the stereotypical, Eastern Conservatism. Women for instance maintain a strict code of modesty, and pre-martial sex is even a greater taboo then in the West. Although many young people in India are starting to dress more freely and become more sexually liberated, strong Conservative values opposing gay marriage, as well as aspects or racism, sexism still reign supreme. In fact has been named one of the most dangerous countries in the world for women. However, many Indian voters are starting to elect more and more women into parliament. Like many Conservative nation, Indians maintain a strong homogenous mentality, and cultural preservation, to the point that it has officially been named the world's most racist country. Ethnic and religious conflict are still an everyday part of Indian society. Cultural preservation is so strong, that most Indian women are forbidden form marrying outside their ethnicity. As mentioned earlier, homosexuality is also largely frowned upon, so much that the country's infamous unik's called Hijras, have become outcasts of society. In addition, many Indian-Americans voted for Trump in the recent election. But once again, this is another example of a country that's simply trying to preserve its unique culture and values.


10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives


Okay, this one is a more extreme form of Conservatism, but it's still Conservatism, and really, with the country's blacks wanting revenge for decades of Apartheid and centuries of colonialism, you can't really blame these views for existing. The truth is, Apartheid never really ended. Both whites and blacks in the country still maintain a very racist mindset, and racial tensions have reached an all time high within the past year. And although there was a reason Apartheid was imposed in the first place, I will not get into that, but you can probably figure it out. THE FACTS, the country has seen an increase in black on white crime since the fall of Apartheid, especially within the past year. With every white South African having been robbed by blacks at least once, and 50% of the female population having been sexually assaulted at some point in their life, and black politicians openly encouraging the murder of whites, it's no surprise that whites in South Africa don't like blacks very much. This has led to strong Conservative and Nationalist views within then country's white Afrikaner community, who are now themselves being oppressed by the very people who fought for equal rights. Many white Afrikaners are now in favor of forming an independent white nation in Western Cape, and one group has already formed a white's only community called Oranje. Several white self defense militias have also formed within the white farmer community, to protect themselves against angry blacks who are out to kill them. This is the BIGGEST reason I included white South Africans on this list, they don't give a fuck about political correctness. They know what the problem is and address it accordingly. You can rest assured that a true Afrikaner will never accuse you of racism or bigotry, simply for stating the facts.


10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives

This one may surprise some people, especially considering the fact that Australia was one of the first countries to legalize same-sex marriage, and impose strict gun regulations. However, when it comes to race and immigration, the Aussies are pretty Conservative. The native aborigines continue to experience racism and discrimination from the Aussie government, and in more recent years, both the Aussie government and people have taken strong action to keep Muslim refugees out of their country. The Aussies have basically adopted the policy of, "Not in my backyard." Their solution to the refugee problem, ship them somewhere else. In this case, the remote islands of Manus and Nauru, where they live in hard conditions in refugee camps. Now the Aussie government is putting pressure on the Trump administration to uphold Obama's agreement to take those refugees to the U.S., who doesn't want them either. Once again, you can't blame the Aussies. The country ranks in the top 10 safest in the world, and they plan to keep it that way.

10 Places Where Conservatism Still Thrives
24 Opinion